加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问可以提供邀请信的样版吗?
回复: 请问可以提供邀请信的样版吗?同问
回复: 请问可以提供邀请信的样版吗?I, ____________, residing at _________________, would like to invite my mother, _________, residing at _____________, to visit us in Canada for about ____ months starting from ________.The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During her visit, she will stay with us at the above address and we will be responsible for all her expenses including the round trip air fare to Canada, food, housing, travelling within Canada, medical insurance and her all the other expenses.We will make sure that my mother will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Please kindly grant her a Temporary Resident Visa. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or E-mail if you have any questions.Best regards,
回复: 请问可以提供邀请信的样版吗?I, ____________, residing at _________________, would like to invite my mother, _________, residing at _____________, to visit us in Canada for about ____ months starting from ________. The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. During her visit, she will stay with us at the above address and we will be responsible for all her expenses including the round trip air fare to Canada, food, housing, travelling within Canada, medical insurance and her all the other expenses. We will make sure that my mother will leave Canada before the expiration of her authorized stay. Please kindly grant her a Temporary Resident Visa. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or E-mail if you have any questions. Best regards,点击展开... 请问这样写可以吗?谢谢
回复: 请问可以提供邀请信的样版吗?请问这样写可以吗?谢谢点击展开...看着象中介给的? 这信好象是写给移民官的,不是写给自己妈妈的吧? 倒底是应该写给自己父母呢,还是写给移民局啊? 请哪位知道的童子给说说吧.
2009/09/09 递交 -> 09/10 签收 -> 10/01 DM ->10/20 FN 查14 -> 10/26 变5 -> 10/31收到补料信 -> 11/7补寄护照 -> 11/9 BJ 签收 -> 11/23 变12 -> 12/16 变17 -> 12/17 大信封到2010/05/15 妈妈移民担保递交mississauga ->回复: 请问可以提供邀请信的样版吗?我准备两封,一份给签证官,一份修改一下给父母。两封都递交上去。
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