加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民同意我单独带小孩出境的授权书
回复: 同意我单独带小孩出境的授权书我曾经在北加拿大华人论坛的育婴板块里贴过,楼主自己去找找,估计已经被淹没了……
回复: 同意我单独带小孩出境的授权书The following sample letter can be amended to meet your specific situation and requirements.To Whom It May ConcernI (We), ________________ (full name(s) of custodial and/or non-custodial parent(s)/legal guardian(s)), am (are) the____________________ (lawful custodial parent and/or non-custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s))ofChild’s full name: _____________________________________Date of birth (DD/MM/YY): _____________________________Place of birth: ________________________________________Canadian passport number:_____________________________Date of issuance of Canadian passport (DD/MM/YY): ________Place of issuance of Canadian passport: __________________________________ (child’s full name), has my (our) consent to travel withFull name of accompanying person: _______________________Canadian or foreign passport number: _____________________Date of issuance of passport (DD/MM/YY):_________________Place of issuance of passport: ___________________________to visit ______________ (name of foreign country) during the period of __________________ (dates of travel: departure and return). During that period, ________________ (child’s full name) will be residing with ________________ (name of person where child will be residing in foreign country) at the following address:Number/street address and apartment number: ______________City, province/state, country: _____________________________Telephone and fax numbers (work and residence): _______________________Any questions regarding this consent letter can be directed to the undersigned at:Number/street address and apartment number: ______________City, province/state, country: _____________________________Telephone and fax numbers (work and residence): _______________________Signature(s):______________________________________ Date:_________________(Full name(s) and signature(s) of custodial parent,and/or non-custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s)) Signed before me, ________________ (name of witness), this _________________ (date) at ________ ______ (name of location).Signature: ________________ (name of witness)
回复: 同意我单独带小孩出境的授权书我出境进境都没有要这个文件呀
回复: 同意我单独带小孩出境的授权书我出境进境都没有要这个文件呀点击展开...我朋友回来入境的时候要求出示的。
回复: 同意我单独带小孩出境的授权书要有授权书???? 那如果我父母从国内过来探亲,顺便带我儿子过来,小孩子是拿加拿大护照的,我们是不是也要写授权书给父母,不然不能入境啊
回复: 同意我单独带小孩出境的授权书不需要,我父母带我孩子过来没有这个问题
回复: 同意我单独带小孩出境的授权书看运气,我准备了,可是完全没用上。
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