加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急:现在探亲签证不能自己翻译了?还要翻译者
在5256E的说明中看到这样一段:Translation of documents:Any document that is not English or in French must be accompanied by:the English or Fren ch translation,a certified copy of the original document, andan affidavit from the person who completed the translation.Note:An affidavit is a document sworn by the translator, in the presence of a commissioner authorized oaths in the country in which the translator is living, stating that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original documents. Translations by family members are not acceptable. 那如果不能自己翻译,应该找谁翻译呢?翻译者的书面证词有模板吗?各位都是如何操作的?请指教!多谢!
回复: 急:现在探亲签证不能自己翻译了?还要翻译者出书面证词?(研究5256E中)在5256E的说明中看到这样一段:Translation of documents:Any document that is not English or in French must be accompanied by:the English or Fren ch translation,a certified copy of the original document, andan affidavit from the person who completed the translation.Note:An affidavit is a document sworn by the translator, in the presence of a commissioner authorized oaths in the country in which the translator is living, stating that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original documents. Translations by family members are not acceptable. 那如果不能自己翻译,应该找谁翻译呢?翻译者的书面证词有模板吗?各位都是如何操作的?请指教!多谢!点击展开...朋友们,新年好! 此帖关注中,有没有15号以后交表的朋友?是怎样提供资料的?签证中心又是怎样答复的?谢谢指导!感谢!感谢!
回复: 急:现在探亲签证不能自己翻译了?还要翻译者出书面证词?(研究5256E中)在5256E的说明中看到这样一段:Translation of documents:Any document that is not English or in French must be accompanied by:the English or Fren ch translation,a certified copy of the original document, andan affidavit from the person who completed the translation.Note:An affidavit is a document sworn by the translator, in the presence of a commissioner authorized oaths in the country in which the translator is living, stating that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original documents. Translations by family members are not acceptable. 那如果不能自己翻译,应该找谁翻译呢?翻译者的书面证词有模板吗?各位都是如何操作的?请指教!多谢!点击展开...我的理解就是要公证。这个看法不知道是否正确?请朋友们发言。
回复: 急:现在探亲签证不能自己翻译了?还要翻译者出书面证词?(研究5256E中)刚问过上海签证中心:1,可以自己翻译,不需要翻译者书面证词;2,不是所有中文文件都需要公证,也不需要在公证复印件上打印公证员信息;3, 2岁的孩子申请探亲,不许要填写5257附表,需要填写教育就业表;4,我(母亲)代为申请,也需要填写代理人表。签证中心的人说,目前CIC网站上公布的某些内容国内还不适用,还是要按照中心公布的来填,比如CIC上就没有教育就业表,而中心网站上有。
回复: 急:现在探亲签证不能自己翻译了?还要翻译者出书面证词?(研究5256E中)谢谢你!! 那我就可以用上次的翻译件了, 省了好多事.
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