加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国签证 - 美签预约申请,急问!


Please select a location below. Only consulates which process the purpose of travel you selected are displayed.NOTE: The "ATTENTION" section at the bottom of the page contains important information.ATTENTION "Canadian/Present in Canada"Regardless of where the applicant currently resides, please select a "Canadian or Present in Canada" option if:The applicant is a Canadian Citizen, orThe applicant is a Legal Resident of Canada who:holds a Canadian Student Visaholds a Canadian Work Visais a Diplomat assigned to Canadais a Refugee in Canada, oris a Permanent Resident of Canada, orThe applicant is visiting Canada and has to replace a lost or stolen U.S. Visa."Present in the United States"If the applicant does not qualify as "Canadian or Present in Canada", please select a "Present in the United States" option if:The applicant is currently legally present in the United States, andThe applicant is applying for a new U.S. Visa.All other travelers should not schedule an appointment, as they must return to their home country or last country of residence to apply for a U.S. Visa. 这页好像没有全显示出来,没有选项,怎么回事,请教!急

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