加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我的拒签理由
2月23日递的上海,今天去拿被拒。原本想4月30日去温哥华参加我哥的婚礼的。想再递一次,但我如何才能让签证管相信“我一定会回来的!”以下是我的拒签理由:You have not satisfied me that you meet requirements of Regulation 179;that you would leave Canada at the end of the temporary period if you were authorized to stay.In reaching this decision I considered your ties to your country of residence/citizenship balanced against factors which might motivate you to stay in Canada.我哥说要去找议员,但这有用吗?另外我已婚有一小孩,这次就我陪我妈一起去,我妈签出了。但她70多了,身体也不好,她一人去我还真不放心啊!各位有啥好建议?
yaoyong1969 说:2月23日递的上海,今天去拿被拒。原本想4月30日去温哥华参加我哥的婚礼的。想再递一次,但我如何才能让签证管相信“我一定会回来的!”以下是我的拒签理由:You have not satisfied me that you meet requirements of Regulation 179;that you would leave Canada at the end of the temporary period if you were authorized to stay.In reaching this decision I considered your ties to your country of residence/citizenship balanced against factors which might motivate you to stay in Canada.我哥说要去找议员,但这有用吗?另外我已婚有一小孩,这次就我陪我妈一起去,我妈签出了。但她70多了,身体也不好,她一人去我还真不放心啊!各位有啥好建议?点击展开...你的工作单位有没有给你出工作证明?还有你的请假信。这足可以证明你会按时回去吧。
Sense吉他 专业教室 零起步 一对一 中英文教学王铎 (Jaden Wang) 微信号码:jadenwangduoTel: 647-204-2618回复: 我的拒签理由工作证明和请假信都有的
回复: 我的拒签理由加拿大的拒签信是很笼统的内容,千篇一律的,不是具体的拒签原因。如需帮助,可以向我介绍一下你们的情况,我帮你分析一下再签的可能性。QQ1162075909
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