加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Everyone please read it firstly before you apply for TRV.
临时访问签证的官方“内部文件”As I promised, attached please find the file you need to read before you apply for TRV. All details about TRV inside the PDF file. If you can't understand english well, feel free to ask your question. Hope more and more family can unite in Canada and no more tragedy heard. However, as what i point out in another post, money is the key factor for your application, especially the income from the host unless the applicant has a very strong backgroud.
回复: Everyone please read it firstly before you apply for TRV.Sorry forget to attach the file. Hereby I attach the file, which is in PDF format.
回复: Everyone please read it firstly before you apply for TRV.Sorry forget to attach the file. Hereby I attach the file, which is in PDF format.点击展开...不错,可惜用不着了。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: Everyone please read it firstly before you apply for TRV.谢谢楼主。好好研究一下。
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