加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于翻译,请教高人~
以前看论坛上都说房产证,退休证之类自己翻译就行。可是今天看application guide,上面说“Any document that is not in English or in French must be accompanied by an affidavit from the person who completed the translation.An affidavit is a document sworn by the translator, in the presence of a commissioner authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the translator is living, stating that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document.Translations by family members are not acceptable”到底可不可以自己翻译啊???
回复: 关于翻译,请教高人~这哪里说的呀 签证中心的guide上怎么没有?
回复: 关于翻译,请教高人~我爸是4月8号在北京签证中心递交的材料,通过了。 材料都是我们自己翻译的。而且在交资料之前我打过电话给签证中心, 接电话的工作人员说,可以自己翻译,但是要准确的翻译。
回复: 关于翻译,请教高人~完全可以自己翻译,肯定没问题的!
2004.11.15 HK签发FN(VO:LSL)2007.03.11 体检2007.11.06 香港取签2008.03.08 登陆温哥华游玩2008.03.16 长登埃德蒙顿这哪里说的呀 签证中心的guide上怎么没有?点击展开...在cic的网站上,有个application guide上面的
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