加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民拒签调档5563表格中的REQUESTER是填签证申请人的名
回复: 拒签调档5563表格中的REQUESTER是填签证申请人的名字吗?D. Section D applies only to the requester. Requests under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act can only be made by Canadian citizens,permanent residents and persons present in Canada. If you do not fall within one of these categories, your request must be made under the Access toInformation Act through a representative who has right of access. Also, your first request must include proof that the requester is a Canadian citizen,permanent resident or present in Canada if making the request from outside Canada (i.e. a copy of your Canadian passport or your Canadian Society ofImmigration Consultants number). The information requested will be sent to the address provided in this section.从表里的第一页D里可以看出,是写你姐的而不是你的。
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