加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民08.02.2011 父母探亲二签成功


跟其他的网友一样,在帮父母准备探亲签证材料之前,在论坛里溜达了很久,搜集了不少有用的信息。特别要感谢wangduoyangyang的帖子(http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=396070探亲一签成功经验分享,资料清单及翻译汇总 ),非常详细。父母是7.26把材料交到上海签证中心的。材料交给中心工作人员,他们还是会按照材料清单上的顺序重新整理一下。我妈妈选择了自己去拿护照,所以工作人员说大概一个星期后可以在签证中心的网站上查询是否可以拿护照了。到8.2早上,在网上查了,显示护照已返回中心,可以领取了。当天下午,父母去领护照,顺利拿到签证。父母第一次申请探亲是2008年的10月,被拒签了。据我自己的推测,可能是我当时在上学,只有一份part time的工作,经济情况不够稳定。这次帮他们申请,我的情况有变化了。首先,我现在有full time job;其次,去年年底我们自己买了房子。也因为刚买了房子,自己这边没多少存款了,所以在写给签证官的信中我写明了父母会自己承担一切费用,我们会在需要的时候做backup support. 写给父母的邀请信也不用很长。简单,明了就好。我的理由很简单,就是我们新买了房子,希望他们来看看,顺便旅游一下。另外,准备的材料不在多,我是完全按照材料清单来准备的,只是在整理好我这边的材料后,我另写了份简单的说明(Invitor Financial Statement),基本就是把我的材料作个概括。这样签证官在看材料的时候,只看着一页纸,就基本了解我这边的情况了。而且还有个好处就是,你可以把自己有优势的方面写出来,当签证官看的时候,就会有先入为主的印象,也省了他的时间去一页页的翻后面的材料。想想他们每天看那么多材料,够烦的了,要是你的材料准备的简洁明了,成功地机率也就高了。

回复: 08.02.2011 父母探亲二签成功恭喜LZ!另外我想问,你第一次申请的时候邀请人是几位,我是第一次申请,情况和你那时候差不多,所以有点担心。可不可以借鉴一下你的邀请信和Invitor Financial Statement,作为参考, 谢谢!

回复: 08.02.2011 父母探亲二签成功谢谢!我第一次也是申请二个人。当时父母都已退休,有自己的房产。但我感觉邀请人的经济是否稳定还是蛮重要的。在写邀请信的时候,我也看了些别人写的。主要是根据自己的情况,然后想想有什么特别的原因吸引父母来家旅游。我就写了我爸爸以前是厨师,所以对这里的美食感兴趣。下面是我的邀请信和inviter financial statement: [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Dear Mom and Dad:[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']How are you doing these days? Finally we are all set at our new home. It’s in a very nice area, quiet and has more space. Celine likes her new school. She’s already made friends there. We are excited about having our own place, after all this is a big event in our lives, and we’d like you to share the happiness with us, so we decided to invite you to come visit us this fall. In the meantime, you can take a look of Canada.[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']The city we live in now is Mississauga which is about one hour and half away from Niagara Fall which is a famous place in the world. You will be impressed by the stunning view there. Other than the beautiful scenery, you will also enjoy the delicious food here, especially for dad. I know, as a chef for decades, dad has always been interested in testing different gourmet, so this will be a good chance for him. [/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']I know, to compare with the warm and humid weather in Shanghai, you must not feel comfortable with the cold and dry winter here, so you can back to Shanghai around the end of November before the real winter comes. Does this sound a good plan to you?[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']I prepared the documents you will need on my side for applying the visa and mailed to you. We are looking forward to your visit. Good luck![/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Love,[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']XXX[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Jun27,2011[/FONT]================ [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] Inviter’s Finance Situation[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']I, XX XXX (full name) work full time at XXX (company name), and my yearly salary is CAD$_____ now. The pay-slip and back account statement are attached.[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']My husband, XX XXX works in XXX (company name) in 2010. His yearly salary was CAD$______. In December 2010, he opened his own forwarding business called XXX. The estimated net income will be CAD$XXX. His tax return and company back statement are attached.[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']In October 2010, we bought a condo which worth CAD$XXX. Our down payment was CAD$XXX, mortgage is CAD$XXX, monthly payment is CAD$xxx. Contract and payment stab are attached.[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']In conclusion, we have around CAD$____/per month as available fund which can cover my parents’ living if need.[/FONT]

回复: 08.02.2011 父母探亲二签成功不要意思,忽略前面的那一个。 Inviter’s Finance Situation[/font] I, XX XXX (full name) work full time at XXX (company name), and my yearly salary is CAD$_____ now. The pay-slip and back account statement are attached.My husband, XX XXX works in XXX (company name) in 2010. His yearly salary was CAD$______. In December 2010, he opened his own forwarding business called XXX. The estimated net income will be CAD$XXX. His tax return and company back statement are attached.In October 2010, we bought a condo which worth CAD$XXX. Our down payment was CAD$XXX, mortgage is CAD$XXX, monthly payment is CAD$xxx. Contract and payment stab are attached.In conclusion, we have around CAD$____/per month as available fund which can cover my parents’ living if need.

回复: 08.02.2011 父母探亲二签成功Ivitation letter Dear Mom and Dad:How are you doing these days? Finally we are all set at our new home. It’s in a very nice area, quiet and has more space. Celine likes her new school. She’s already made friends there. We are excited about having our own place, after all this is a big event in our lives, and we’d like you to share the happiness with us, so we decided to invite you to come visit us this fall. In the meantime, you can take a look of CanadaThe city we live in now is Mississauga which is about one hour and half away from Niagara Fall which is a famous place in the world. You will be impressed by the stunning view there. Other than the beautiful scenery, you will also enjoy the delicious food here, especially for dad. I know, as a chef for decades, dad has always been interested in testing different gourmet, so this will be a good chance for him. I know, to compare with the warm and humid weather in Shanghai, you must not feel comfortable with the cold and dry winter here, so you can back to Shanghai around the end of November before the real winter comes. Does this sound a good plan to you?I prepared the documents you will need on my side for applying the visa and mailed to you. We are looking forward to your visit. Good luck!Love,XXXJun27,2011

回复: 08.02.2011 父母探亲二签成功好羡慕!

回复: 08.02.2011 父母探亲二签成功请问,这个邀请信难道不是中文的吗?父母看不懂英文的怎么办呢?难道要写成中英文双语的邀请信吗?

回复: 08.02.2011 父母探亲二签成功不要意思,忽略前面的那一个。 感谢LZ的热心贴,点击展开...

回复: 08.02.2011 父母探亲二签成功感谢朋友们无私分享。


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