加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民超级签证签的时候需要买保险,那么10年内后面几
回复: 超级签证签的时候需要买保险,那么10年内后面几次入境是否就不用买保险了呢?每次入境是都要检查的。所以感觉这个超签很虚。。。。。。
回复: 超级签证签的时候需要买保险,那么10年内后面几次入境是否就不用买保险了呢?ok, what if we buy the 1 year insurance and then get the super visa, but later on my parents decide to cancel the trip or postpone it, can we get a full refund on the insurance?
回复: 超级签证签的时候需要买保险,那么10年内后面几次入境是否就不用买保险了呢?关注!
回复: 超级签证签的时候需要买保险,那么10年内后面几次入境是否就不用买保险了呢?ok, what if we buy the 1 year insurance and then get the super visa, but later on my parents decide to cancel the trip or postpone it, can we get a full refund on the insurance?点击展开...退不退,退多少,你要跟你做买卖的保险公司谈。政府不管这个。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howardok, what if we buy the 1 year insurance and then get the super visa, but later on my parents decide to cancel the trip or postpone it, can we get a full refund on the insurance?点击展开...yes, you can. but some fees will be applied。。。。。。
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