Parent and Grandparent Super Visa***What makes the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa different from what is available now as a visitor visa?Currently, visitors to Canada usually may only visit for six months at a time. Most visitors who wish to stay longer must apply for an extension, and pay a new fee, every six months. With the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa, eligible parents and grandparents will pay fewer fees and have some certainty that they will be able to enjoy the company of their families in Canada for a longer period of time. This program will take effect on December 1, 2011. CIC will be able to issue the visas, on average, within eight weeks of the application. This means that instead of waiting for eight years, a parent or a grandparent can come to Canada within eight weeks. ***Is the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa a multi-entry visa? What's the difference between the Super Visa and the 10-year multiple entry visa? Yes, the Super Visa is a multi-entry visa that will provide multiple entries for a period up to ten years. The key difference is that the Super Visa will have status periods for each entry that last up to two years, while the 10-year multiple entry visa status period for each entry is six months. ***If parents and grandparents are already in Canada and their visa will be expiring soon, what should they do? Will they be eligible to renew their status from in Canada? The visa itself is valid for up to 10 years and allows holders to remain in Canada for up to two years at a time. Renewals must be done from outside Canada at a visa office. However, parents and grandparents who hold a valid visa can apply for an extension of their status for up to two years by submitting an application to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta, as long as they meet all the criteria. These applications will be examined on a case by case basis. ***Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have been found admissible to Canada and meet some other conditions are eligible for the Super Visa. Visa officers consider several factors before deciding if the person is admissible. This means they are a genuine visitor to Canada who will leave by choice at the end of their visit. Among the things that could be considered are: [/font]the person’s ties to the home country,the purpose of the visit,the person’s family and financial situation,the overall economic and political stability of the home country, andinvitations from Canadian hosts.In addition to being found admissible to Canada, the parent/grandparent must also:provide a written commitment of financial support from their child or grandchild in Canada who meets a minimum income threshold, prove that they have bought Canadian medical insurance for at least one year to cover the period of time that they will be in Canada, and complete an Immigration Medical Examination (IME). ***I am eligible, as a parent of a Canadian citizen, for the Super Visa, but I also have a dependant living with me in my home country. Is my dependant also eligible for the Super Visa? No. Dependants of parents and grandparents are not eligible for the Super Visa. They remain eligible to apply for regular visitor visas, though. ***What happens if I am from the United States, France, the United Kingdom or another country whose citizens are not required to have a visa to enter Canada? Am I still eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do I need to do to enjoy the Super Visa’s two-year authorized stay in Canada? Yes, if you are from a country whose citizens are not required to have a visa to enter Canada, you are eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa. Simply: Apply for a Temporary Resident Visa (no fee required) at a Canadian visa office;Undergo a medical examination; andProvide the supporting documents required, including proof of your relationship to a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident and proof of their financial support during your stay in Canada. You will also need proof that you have purchased Canadian medical insurance. If you have met all the criteria, you will be issued a letter which you will present to a Canada Border Services Agency officer at the port of entry when you arrive in Canada. The officer may authorize your visit to Canada for up to two years. ***What happens if a parent or grandparent (PGP) with a sponsorship application already submitted decides that they would prefer to visit Canada for up to 2 years instead of immigrating? Can they cancel their FC4 application and apply for a Super Visa instead? Will they be refunded the fees paid? PGP sponsorship applications can be withdrawn at any time. Whether a full or partial refund will be given is determined by the stage at which the application is at in the queue. If processing has started, only a portion of your payment may be refunded. If, however, processing has not started on your application, a full refund will be given. Please allow up to 16 weeks for the delivery of your refund.
超级签证保险/探亲保险/新移民保险/外出旅游保险/人寿保险 416-834-9204 (Toronto)/ 403-228-1798 (Calgary)/ 604-637-2195 (Vancouver) 1-877-834-9204(Toll Free) 网站: [email protected]; [email protected]回复: FQA: Parent and Grandparent Super Visa如果父母只想来玩一到两个月不想申请超级签证可以吗?
回复: FQA: Parent and Grandparent Super Visa如果父母只想来玩一到两个月不想申请超级签证可以吗?点击展开...超级签证是给那些想长期待(每次可住2年),但又不想移民的父母。短期的旅游仍然可以申请原来的半年期单次签证。
回复: FQA: Parent and Grandparent Super VisaParent and Grandparent Super Visa***What makes the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa different from what is available now as a visitor visa?Currently, visitors to Canada usually may only visit for six months at a time. Most visitors who wish to stay longer must apply for an extension, and pay a new fee, every six months. With the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa, eligible parents and grandparents will pay fewer fees and have some certainty that they will be able to enjoy the company of their families in Canada for a longer period of time. This program will take effect on December 1, 2011. CIC will be able to issue the visas, on average, within eight weeks of the application. This means that instead of waiting for eight years, a parent or a grandparent can come to Canada within eight weeks. ***Is the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa a multi-entry visa? What's the difference between the Super Visa and the 10-year multiple entry visa? Yes, the Super Visa is a multi-entry visa that will provide multiple entries for a period up to ten years. The key difference is that the Super Visa will have status periods for each entry that last up to two years, while the 10-year multiple entry visa status period for each entry is six months. ***If parents and grandparents are already in Canada and their visa will be expiring soon, what should they do? Will they be eligible to renew their status from in Canada? The visa itself is valid for up to 10 years and allows holders to remain in Canada for up to two years at a time. Renewals must be done from outside Canada at a visa office. However, parents and grandparents who hold a valid visa can apply for an extension of their status for up to two years by submitting an application to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta, as long as they meet all the criteria. These applications will be examined on a case by case basis. ***Who is eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do they need to do to qualify for it?Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have been found admissible to Canada and meet some other conditions are eligible for the Super Visa. Visa officers consider several factors before deciding if the person is admissible. This means they are a genuine visitor to Canada who will leave by choice at the end of their visit. Among the things that could be considered are: [/font]the person’s ties to the home country,the purpose of the visit,the person’s family and financial situation,the overall economic and political stability of the home country, andinvitations from Canadian hosts.In addition to being found admissible to Canada, the parent/grandparent must also:provide a written commitment of financial support from their child or grandchild in Canada who meets a minimum income threshold, prove that they have bought Canadian medical insurance for at least one year to cover the period of time that they will be in Canada, and complete an Immigration Medical Examination (IME). ***I am eligible, as a parent of a Canadian citizen, for the Super Visa, but I also have a dependant living with me in my home country. Is my dependant also eligible for the Super Visa? No. Dependants of parents and grandparents are not eligible for the Super Visa. They remain eligible to apply for regular visitor visas, though. ***What happens if I am from the United States, France, the United Kingdom or another country whose citizens are not required to have a visa to enter Canada? Am I still eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa? What do I need to do to enjoy the Super Visa’s two-year authorized stay in Canada? Yes, if you are from a country whose citizens are not required to have a visa to enter Canada, you are eligible for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa. Simply: Apply for a Temporary Resident Visa (no fee required) at a Canadian visa office;Undergo a medical examination; andProvide the supporting documents required, including proof of your relationship to a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident and proof of their financial support during your stay in Canada. You will also need proof that you have purchased Canadian medical insurance. If you have met all the criteria, you will be issued a letter which you will present to a Canada Border Services Agency officer at the port of entry when you arrive in Canada. The officer may authorize your visit to Canada for up to two years. ***What happens if a parent or grandparent (PGP) with a sponsorship application already submitted decides that they would prefer to visit Canada for up to 2 years instead of immigrating? Can they cancel their FC4 application and apply for a Super Visa instead? Will they be refunded the fees paid? PGP sponsorship applications can be withdrawn at any time. Whether a full or partial refund will be given is determined by the stage at which the application is at in the queue. If processing has started, only a portion of your payment may be refunded. If, however, processing has not started on your application, a full refund will be given. Please allow up to 16 weeks for the delivery of your refund.点击展开... http://lingwong.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=240&Itemid=335
欢迎进入团聚移民子版:http://forum.iask.ca/forums/加拿大黄国为移民法律事务所:团聚移民专栏.260/欢迎进入经验 CEC 移民子版:http://forum.iask.ca/forums/加拿大黄国为移民法律事务所:经验类移民专栏.110/事务所网页:www.LingWong.ca电邮咨询:[email protected]热线电话:416-800-5000 赏 2011-12-15#5
3,028 $0.00 申请「超级签证」 入息至少要2.76万申请「超级签证」 入息至少要2.76万 (图)申请「超级签证」 入息至少要2.76万 明报/针对父母或祖父母「超级签证」申请时,家庭总人数应如何计算。移民部发言人那迪欧(Johanne Nadeau)昨日回覆本报查询时明确指出,除了担保人在加国现有的家庭人数外,欲担保来探亲的父母或祖父母也需要纳入计算。即早前移民部早前公布最低家庭人数一人,其实「并不存在」,家庭人数最少应?两人,收入要求最少?27,674元,并非公布所指一人家庭的22,229元。移民部虽然已在12月1日公布父母或祖父母「超级签证」申请细节,但不少申请人对于担保人的「家庭总人数」应否将在中国的父母或祖父母列入,说法不一,令申请人无所适从。来加父母亦须包括在家庭总人数计算「总人数计算」是非常技术细节的问题,即使连移民部长康尼(Jason Kenney)在12月1日对族裔传媒的电话会议,被问及担保人如何才能达到收入要求时,他更举例,如果担保人?单身,则需要达到22,229元的收入要求,五口之家需要达到46,850元的收入要求。此例子很快即有担保人注意到,原来移民部「超级签证」的申请指引中,具体提到家庭总人数的计算,必须将被担保前来的父母或祖父母计算在内,也就是说,如果担保人?单身,欲申请一名父或母前来,则家庭总人数?两人,必须比照两个人的收入要求,?27,674元,而非康尼举例所说的22,229元。移民部发言人那迪欧昨日回覆本报查询时指出,根据规定,家庭总人数必须将担保人,即发出邀请父或母等前来探亲的人(inviter)、担保人配偶、担保人的未成年子女、被担保前来同住的家庭成员,均计算在内。她举例,如果一名单身担保人,在加拿大无配偶及子女,欲担保一名父或母前来,则家庭总人数?两人。如果是担保人有妻子,又生育两个未成年孩子,又想担保父母两人前来,则家庭总人数?6人,必须达到每年收入52,838元的收入要求。由此推算,即家庭的最少人数应?两人,一人的定义根本「并不存在」。而最低的收入要求,也应?两人家庭的27,674元。评论
超级签证保险/探亲保险/新移民保险/外出旅游保险/人寿保险 416-834-9204 (Toronto)/ 403-228-1798 (Calgary)/ 604-637-2195 (Vancouver) 1-877-834-9204(Toll Free) 网站: [email protected]; [email protected] 赏 2011-12-15#6
3,028 $0.00 申请-“Super Visa- 超级签证”所需医疗保险常见问答申请-“Super Visa- 超级签证”所需医疗保险常见问答 ·新西兰汽车 全新电蒸煮锅
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