加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民两方父母超级签证申请的问题


请问大家,我们想申请两方父母的超级签证,希望一方先过来,再申请另一方。问题是,申请后来的一方时,是否应该算6 person?还是4 person?其实后来的一方是要等到先来的快走的时候才登陆。。。比较绕啊。因为牵扯到收入门槛的问题。4 person刚够,6 person就挂了。。。 恳请大家帮忙!

回复: 两方父母超级签证申请的问题http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/letter.asp

回复: 两方父母超级签证申请的问题我英语比较差,请问能不能帮我解释一下?

回复: 两方父母超级签证申请的问题继续着急的顶。。。这牵扯到我该怎么准备材料和该不该买保险的问题啊。

回复: 两方父母超级签证申请的问题Your letter must include the following information about the person being invited:​Complete name.​Date of birth.​The person’s address and telephone number.​Your relationship to the person being invited.​The purpose of the trip.​How long the person you are inviting intends to stay in Canada.​Details on accommodation and living expenses.​The date the person you are inviting intends to leave Canada.​Your letter must also include the following information about yourself:​Complete name.​Date of birth.​Address and telephone number in Canada.​Occupation.​Whether you are a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident​A photocopy of a document proving your status in Canada. For instance, a Canadian birth certificate if you were born in Canada or a Canadian citizenship card if you are a naturalized citizen. If you are Permanent Resident, you must send proof of your permanent resident status (a copy of your PR card or your IMM 1000 proof of landing).​Details of your family unit, including names and dates of birth of your spouse and dependants (this is mandatory for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa);​Total number of people residing in your household, including those you have previously sponsored and whose sponsorship is still in effect (this is mandatory for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa); and ​[FONT=宋体]你家的人口总数包括:你,你的配偶,孩子,还有你以前担保过后的并且你的担保还在生效期的人。(超级签证必须的)[/FONT]** [FONT=宋体]个人理解:如果你以前担保过父母,他们来了之加不超过担保期,记得是十年吧![/FONT]​A written and signed promise of your financial support for your parents or grandparents for the entire duration of their stay in Canada. Proof of income at a level meeting or exceeding the low-income cut-off (LICO) for the total number of people, including the visiting parents or grandparents, must be included (this only applies to the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa). ​[FONT=宋体]签写的承诺[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]用于支持你的[/FONT]P&G [FONT=宋体]在加拿大的所有花费。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]证明收入超过[/FONT]LICO[FONT=宋体],总人数包括正在访问的父母。[/FONT] ** [FONT=宋体]个人理解:如果一方的父母还在加拿大,另一方申请时要把这个两个人算在内,但如果回国了,可能就不用算了。如果[/FONT] the visiting parents [FONT=宋体]是不是指拿着超级签证的父母而且大使馆有记录,则不行[/FONT]! [FONT=宋体]以上只是个人理解,官方解释看英文或直接给[/FONT]CIC[FONT=宋体]发邮件。[/FONT]

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