加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民再讨论父母探亲各事项



知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。赞反馈:兰惠家园, lysoup, tintinyang 和 3 其他人 2007-06-29#2 szshenhua
11,793 $0.00 回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项先看看官方网站的内容,这些是你必须做的第一步:北京方面:http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/beijing/application-kits-ch.asp上海方面:http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/shanghai/working-temporarily-in-canada-ch.asp香港方面:http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/immigration/visiting-en.asp首先请大家仔细阅读其中的申请说明文件(Application Procedures for Temporary Resident Visa );我便摘取其中比较重要部分吧:北京方面:因私访问 (探亲访友)申请人需提供:1. 如果你有工作,请提供一份由雇主出具的使用单位抬头信笺的准假信,信中须包含:你的姓名、职务、现在的工资数额;信中还须用中文注明你雇主的姓名、地址,及电话和传真号码;2. 如果你已经退休,请提供注明退休金数额的退休证明;3. 资金证明原件且要反映出资金的积累历史;4. 在中国的财产证明 (例如: 房产证明、车辆注册证明等) ;5. 与加拿大邀请人的关系证明(例如:出生公证等) ;邀请人需提供:1. 说明访问目的的邀请函;2. 邀请人的家庭成员名单;3. 邀请人的公民或移民身份证件复印件 (例如: IMM1000表、永久居民卡—正反面复印件、学习许可、工作许可);4. 下列文件的原件:a) 由加拿大海关和税务总署 (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency) 出据的邀请人及其配偶的税收状况证明;b) 如受雇,说明邀请人及其配偶收入情况的受雇信;c) 如在校学习,所在学校出据的录取通知书及成绩单。上海方面:探亲访友 因探亲访友申请签证时,你必须递交下列补充材料:申请人须递交: 你邀请人家庭的所有成员名单 证明你与邀请人关系的公证书 一份由你雇主出据的准假信,信中须包括以下内容:你的姓名、职务、目前的工资数额,并确认准假的起止日期。信中还必须用中文注明你雇主的姓名、地址,及电话和传真号码。邀请人及其配偶须递交:邀请函 移民纸、公民证、枫叶卡(双面)、加拿大护照或其它准予在加拿大合法停留证明的复印件 邀请人及其配偶(如有配偶)须提供下列所有材料: (i) 说明收入情况、职务以及受雇时间的工作证明/学校出据的就读证明 (ii) 由加拿大海关和税务总署近期出据的税收状况证明或T4 (iii) 近6个月来的工资单 (iv) 反映近6个月来日常收支状况的银行证明香港方面:What are the basic requirements for a temporary resident visa?To receive a temporary resident visa you must satisfy a visa officer that you meet all of the following requirements:- you will be in Canada for a temporary stay only and you will leave Canada at the end of the temporary periodauthorised for your stay;- you will be able to return to your country or be admitted to another country after your visit;- you have enough money to maintain yourself and your dependents in Canada and to return home;- you are in good health;- you are law abiding and have no record of criminal activity;- you will not be a risk to the security of Canada;- you do not plan to work or study in Canada.What documents should I provide to obtain a temporary resident visa?– complete all the following forms:• Application for a temporary resident visa made outside of Canada (IMM5257)• Family composition Information for applicant• Family composition information for spouse of applicant (please write ‘N/A’ if you are single)• Education , employment and residency history for applicant only• Misrepresentation is a criminal offence• Use of a representative (please complete ‘N/A’ if you are not appointing a representative.)• Statutory declaration of Common-Law Union (please include this form to your application as appropriate)– two photographs, for each family member requiring a visa. (please refer to attached photograph specifications)– your spouse and children under 18 years old do not need to complete a separate application form but the spousemust complete a separate family composition form– children 18 years and over must complete their own application form– original passport, travel document or identity document that guarantees re-entry into the country that issued it– a passport with at least one clear (blank) page, valid for one month following your planned departure date fromCanada. The plastic layer on the photo page must be intact.– the non-refundable processing fee– a letter from your employer granting a leave of absence which must including your name, position and current salary.This letter should be on letterhead paper and must include your employer’s name and address in English and Chinesecharacters, as well as telephone and fax number.– proof of funds available to support yourself and your dependents during your stay and proof that your stay in Canada willbe temporary, such as:- tax returns, Employer's Return of Remuneration, or other documents showing your income- bank books or bank certificates showing history of your savings over the past 2 years(这里的意思是不一定要做资金证明,提供存折也可以的)- property deeds or stock certificates showing your assets- business registration/licence for business that you own with certification of registered capital including name ofshareholder(s), tax returns/receipts showing profits tax paid and the latest financial statements- if travelling on business, a letter from your employer describing your proposed activities in Canada- an invitation letter from person(s) you will visit in Canada and if the person(s) is/are your family member(s) orrelative(s), the latest Notice of Assessment from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency showing the totalincome of the person(s)- previous travel documents showing travel abroad- any documents that will support your application

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。赞反馈:前生为鱼 2007-06-29#3 szshenhua
11,793 $0.00 回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项然后便是下载最新的申请表格:北京方面:http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/beijing/application-kits-ch.asp上海方面:http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/shanghai/application-kits-ch.asp香港方面:http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/hongkong/immigration/trvkit-en.asp

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。赞反馈:julieeric 2007-06-29#4 S 11,363 $0.00 回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项申花是好同志. 我觉得在这里有稳定收入的(有工作或自雇的)每年都报税的, 邀请父母来探亲应该没什么问题的. 在读书的(或打现金工的)会麻烦一点(不是说没可能). 邀请理由的话最好别说怀孕了快生孩子想让父母来帮忙之类的, 因为这在中国人视为习以为常的事, 老外可不这么认为的. 事实上老人带第三代的事这里是很少发生的.

回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项好,很好! 顶

回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项申花是好同志. 我觉得在这里有稳定收入的(有工作或自雇的)每年都报税的, 邀请父母来探亲应该没什么问题的. 在读书的(或打现金工的)会麻烦一点(不是说没可能). 邀请理由的话最好别说怀孕了快生孩子想让父母来帮忙之类的, 因为这在中国人视为习以为常的事, 老外可不这么认为的. 事实上老人带第三代的事这里是很少发生的.点击展开...我就是啊,第一年来就急着申请丈母娘,连续三次失败,惨痛教训啊。


Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]最后等个两或三年失败的可能性会小些。而且适用于申请美国签证。点击展开...对移民: 等个3年入籍了去美国就不要签证了. 对探亲的: 在中国等30年来加拿大也还是要签证滴.

回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项对移民: 等个3年入籍了去美国就不要签证了. 对探亲的: 在中国等30年来加拿大也还是要签证滴.点击展开...我的意思是说想申请美国签证也不要急得刚来半年一年就去签证,除非工作需要,这样有可能钱是会白扔得。等入了籍这个美国签证就没用了。我就是办了签证,绕道芝加哥,日本回北京,累得我半死,钱也没省了。

Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]我的意思是说想申请美国签证也不要急得刚来半年一年就去签证,除非工作需要,这样有可能钱是会白扔得。等入了籍这个美国签证就没用了。我就是办了签证,绕道芝加哥,日本回北京,累得我半死,钱也没省了。点击展开...明白.

回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项明白.点击展开...+!

Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项见过一个案例,一个香港签证官(华人)对一对申请者说:“爸爸妈妈去照顾女儿生BABY啊?记得到准时回来,下次再签更就容易啦。”很有人情味的签证官。

2007年2月26日递表回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项好清楚也

回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项明白咯,还是先回家探亲好了,稳定了再让父母过来好了……

嘛事儿?嘛事儿都不奇怪。。。回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项父母入境时候,会遇到工作人员的提问,这一环节估计是很多人最担忧的,所以有了下面的:入境英文提示我的姓名是XXX,我来自中国,我将前往蒙特利尔探望我的儿子和儿媳妇,他们的地址和电话如下,我将在加拿大呆大概3-6个月,我携带的物品主要是我的衣服。我不懂英文,所以特出示此提示,如果您还有任何疑问,可以参考我儿子给我的邀请函复印件或者帮我找一位中文翻译人员,非常感谢!Dear Sir or Madam:I , XXX, am a visitor from P .R .China, this is my first time I travel to Canada and visit my son(XXX XXX) and my daughter-in-law ( XXX XXXX) who are living in Montreal of Quebec, I will stay in Canada for 3-6 months.I brought some old clothes in my luggage with me.I don’t know English at all, so I have to show this letter, if you have more question, could you please read the detail in the copy of the invitation letter from my son or you can introduce me an interpreter to help me, you may call my son’s telephone too。Thank you very much! Have a great day!My son’s address:XXXXXXXXXXXXMy son’s telephone:XXXXXXXXXXXX大家根据自己的具体情况加以修改。重要词汇中英文对照1.中国(P.R.China) 加拿大(Canada) 北京(Bei Jing/Peking)温哥华(Vancouver) 蒙特利尔(Montreal) 机票( Air Ticket)护照(Passport) 登机卡(Boarding Pass) 登机口(Boarding gate)行李(Luggage) 行李票(Claim Tag)厕所(Washroom)2.你好,我不会讲英文,请问哪里有中文服务?Hi, I could not speak English. Do you know where I can get the Chinese/Mandarin service?我叫XXXXMy name is XXXX.我是去蒙特利尔看看我儿子一家I am going to visit my son and his family in Montreal.我是头一次来加拿大This is my first time to come canada.我打算在加拿大住3至6个月I am going to stay in Canada for 3-6 months.我的行李是我的衣服My luggage are my clothes.我的儿子叫XXXMy son’s name is XXXXXX您能指导我打个电话给我儿子吗?我想告诉他我的航班,我有长途电话卡,号码是。。。Could you please help me and teach me how to call my son’s telephone, I would like to tell him my flight time? I have one IP calling card, the number is …,Thank you very much!我儿子的地址和电话和手机是:My son’s address is:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMy son’s home phone is XXXXXXXMy son’s mobile phone is XXXXXXXXX请问我该在哪里取行李?Excuse me, could you tell me where I can take my luggage? Thank you!我找不到我的行李。 I can’t find my luggage.请问在哪里办登机手续?Excuse me, could you tell me where should I check in? Thank you!请问在哪里可以找到登机口?Excuse me, could you tell me where I should depart to Montreal?请问洗手间在哪里?Excuse me, could you tell me where is the washroom? Thank you!请给我一杯(热茶、水、热水、橙汁、牛奶),不加冰。Excuse me, please give me a cup of (Hot Tea, Water, Hot water, Orange Juice, Milk). No ice! Thank you!我有点饿,能给我一点吃的东西吗?---谢谢Excuse me, I am a little hungry, would you please give me something to eat? Thank you!对不起,我有点冷, 请给我一条毯子/小枕头好吗?Excuse me, I feel a little cold. Would you please give me a blanket/pillow? 请帮我一个忙,行吗?Can you help me? Please?谢谢你Thank you very much.全部手续都办完了?That is all? Thank you very much?我的行李是放在这里吗?May I put my luggage here?3.米饭: Rice 面包: Bread 汉堡:Hamburg 方便面: Instant Noodle 牛肉: Beef 鸡肉: Chicken早饭:Breakfast 午饭:Lunch 晚饭:Supper茶: Tea 普通水: Water热水: Hot Water 矿泉水: Spring Water橙汁: Orange Juice 牛奶: Milk不加冰:No ice长途电话卡使用指南:先拨长途电话卡电话号码(XXXX),听到提示,就塞50分钱进电话,然后听电话提示,开始拨电话卡密码(XXXX),然后听电话提示,开始拨我的手机号:XXXX

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。父母入境时候,会遇到工作人员的提问,这一环节估计是很多人最担忧的,所以有了下面的: 入境英文提示我的姓名是XXX,我来自中国,我将前往蒙特利尔探望我的儿子和儿媳妇,他们的地址和电话如下,我将在加拿大呆大概3-6个月,我携带的物品主要是我的衣服。我不懂英文,所以特出示此提示,如果您还有任何疑问,可以参考我儿子给我的邀请函复印件或者帮我找一位中文翻译人员,非常感谢!Dear Sir or Madam:I , XXX, am a visitor from P .R .China, this is my first time I travel to Canada and visit my son(XXX XXX) and my daughter-in-law ( XXX XXXX) who are living in Montreal of Quebec, I will stay in Canada for 3-6 months.I brought some old clothes in my luggage with me.I don’t know English at all, so I have to show this letter, if you have more question, could you please read the detail in the copy of the invitation letter from my son or you can introduce me an interpreter to help me, you may call my son’s telephone too。Thank you very much! Have a great day! My son’s address:XXXXXXXXXXXXMy son’s telephone:XXXXXXXXXXXX 大家根据自己的具体情况加以修改。重要词汇中英文对照1. 中国(P.R.China) 加拿大(Canada) 北京(Bei Jing/Peking)温哥华(Vancouver) 蒙特利尔(Montreal) 机票( Air Ticket)护照(Passport) 登机卡(Boarding Pass) 登机口(Boarding gate)行李(Luggage) 行李票(Claim Tag)厕所(Washroom)2. 你好,我不会讲英文,请问哪里有中文服务?Hi, I could not speak English. Do you know where I can get the Chinese/Mandarin service? 我叫XXXXMy name is XXXX. 我是去蒙特利尔看看我儿子一家I am going to visit my son and his family in Montreal. 我是头一次来加拿大This is my first time to come canada. 我打算在加拿大住3至6个月I am going to stay in Canada for 3-6 months. 我的行李是我的衣服My luggage are my clothes. 我的儿子叫XXXMy son’s name is XXXXXX 您能指导我打个电话给我儿子吗?我想告诉他我的航班,我有长途电话卡,号码是。。。Could you please help me and teach me how to call my son’s telephone, I would like to tell him my flight time? I have one IP calling card, the number is …,Thank you very much! 我儿子的地址和电话和手机是:My son’s address is:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMy son’s home phone is XXXXXXXMy son’s mobile phone is XXXXXXXXX 请问我该在哪里取行李?Excuse me, could you tell me where I can take my luggage? Thank you! 我找不到我的行李。I can’t find my luggage. 请问在哪里办登机手续?Excuse me, could you tell me where should I check in? Thank you! 请问在哪里可以找到登机口?Excuse me, could you tell me where I should depart to Montreal? 请问洗手间在哪里?Excuse me, could you tell me where is the washroom? Thank you! 请给我一杯(热茶、水、热水、橙汁、牛奶),不加冰。Excuse me, please give me a cup of (Hot Tea, Water, Hot water, Orange Juice, Milk). No ice! Thank you! 我有点饿,能给我一点吃的东西吗?---谢谢Excuse me, I am a little hungry, would you please give me something to eat? Thank you! 对不起,我有点冷, 请给我一条毯子/小枕头好吗?Excuse me, I feel a little cold. Would you please give me a blanket/pillow?  请帮我一个忙,行吗?Can you help me? Please? 谢谢你Thank you very much. 全部手续都办完了?That is all? Thank you very much? 我的行李是放在这里吗?May I put my luggage here?3.米饭: Rice 面包: Bread 汉堡:Hamburg 方便面: Instant Noodle 牛肉: Beef 鸡肉: Chicken早饭:Breakfast 午饭:Lunch 晚饭:Supper茶: Tea 普通水: Water热水: Hot Water 矿泉水: Spring Water橙汁: Orange Juice 牛奶: Milk不加冰:No ice长途电话卡使用指南:先拨长途电话卡电话号码(XXXX),听到提示,就塞50分钱进电话,然后听电话提示,开始拨电话卡密码(XXXX),然后听电话提示,开始拨我的手机号:XXXX点击展开...

回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项小贝, 你简直做的比那些收钱的移民顾问公司还齐全. . 非常谢谢你的热心和细心.点击展开...其实很多事情有时候只是举手之劳,但是对需要的人来说却是很大帮助。


回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项xiexie

海的那一边是我的家吗?! 回复: 再讨论父母探亲各事项谢谢,刚成功申请了父母来法国探亲,耗时8个月的筹备,憔悴。不怕,等偶到了CACA,继续折腾。

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