加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民父母探亲 4000 今日通过
4000通过, 递北京25日, 今日收到.前3000不信邪, 父母条件很好,我们一般, 一直不批, 毛了, 找了MP, 和社会知名人士写了推荐信各一封, 本次终于过关. 另第3次花5000块找了中介, 材料和程序还没我们清楚, 没有什么帮助.关于旅行, 父母刚从澳大利亚回来, 有过欧洲记录, 商考被美国拒过.
Inflation is a dishonest and deliberate policy and tool of politicians who do not wish to reduce their spending. The government "creates" new money in order to cover what it spends in excess of its income.回复: 父母探亲 4000 今日通过你是递交北京签证中心吗?签证是自己取的还是邮寄到家里的?
回复: 父母探亲 4000 今日通过你是7月25号递交的申请吗?
回复: 父母探亲 4000 今日通过请问: 签证是一次还是多次?
回复: 父母探亲 4000 今日通过We applied from local Visa Application Center on July 25th, The VISA was mailed through EMS, We got it yesterday, It's a 6 months Term Visa.
Inflation is a dishonest and deliberate policy and tool of politicians who do not wish to reduce their spending. The government "creates" new money in order to cover what it spends in excess of its income.回复: 父母探亲 4000 今日通过恭喜,恭喜!你们NOA达到LICO了吗?
回复: 父母探亲 4000 今日通过I just graduated last year, NOA from last year is only 26K, I work for gov, I will earn 60K this year, which is stated in the employment letter. But I do have friends when they were on student loan last year, they helped their farming parents to visit Canada.And they lived in public housing.
Inflation is a dishonest and deliberate policy and tool of politicians who do not wish to reduce their spending. The government "creates" new money in order to cover what it spends in excess of its income.回复: 父母探亲 4000 今日通过5000元加币还是人民币,即使是人民币也太多了。
回复: 父母探亲 4000 今日通过5000元加币还是人民币,即使是人民币也太多了。点击展开...肯定RMB,中介都是这个价,不要找中介
回复: 父母探亲 4000 今日通过I just graduated last year, NOA from last year is only 26K, I work for gov, I will earn 60K this year, which is stated in the employment letter. But I do have friends when they were on student loan last year, they helped their farming parents to visit Canada.And they lived in public housing.点击展开...thank you!
回复: 父母探亲 4000 今日通过恭喜楼主,这么说北京处理到25号了,比上海那边快一些
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