加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教签证有效期
母亲第一次入境加拿大,持单次探亲签证,签证上写的date of issue16/05/2013,expiry date 13/11/2013.入境时间是6月4日,现在想改机票,刚在管网找到信息,解释如下。没发现入境章下有离境日期,可是又不知道什么是visitor record,因为老妈不会语言,入境什么也没说。求赐教。Must I leave Canada by the “valid until” date on my temporary resident visa?No. The date on the temporary resident visa is the date by which you must arrive in Canada. The border services officer at the port of entry will decide how long you can stay in Canada. The officer will use one of three ways to note how long you can stay.The officer may stamp your passport and write a date under that stamp. If so, you must leave Canada by that date.The officer may stamp your passport without writing a date under that stamp. Instead, the officer may give you a visitor record. If so, you must leave Canada by the date shown under “Valid until” on that visitor record.The officer may simply stamp your passport without writing a date under that stamp or giving you a visitor record. If so, you can stay in Canada for six months.
回复: 请教签证有效期你是想延期吗?可以延期。如果不延期,你妈妈应该在10月5日前离境。expiry date 13/11/2013是指单次签证必须这个日期前入境。
回复: 请教签证有效期你是想延期吗?可以延期。如果不延期,你妈妈应该在10月5日前离境。expiry date 13/11/2013是指单次签证必须这个日期前入境。点击展开...不好意思,把入境日期写错了,应该是6月4日,按管网的说法我妈能待到12月3日,我不延期。我想知道什么是visitor record.
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