加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民主申请人是农民,雇佣信如何出?
不解? 农民啊...8.Employment letter 雇用信
回复: 主申请人是农民,雇佣信如何出?找村委会开个证明,证明谁谁是我村村民,生于此长于此,一辈子务农。不知道现在农村的基层组织具体叫什么名字。反正以前是叫生产大队,好像现在是叫村委会了。反正就是那里村里管事的,写完了可以帮他盖个红章的就行。
回复: 主申请人是农民,雇佣信如何出?If it is true, just dont provide any employment letter.It will not help you get the visa at all. You had better not provide such a letter to tell the VO your parants are not estalished in China. Even the applicant has very big saving, the VO will not believe that. The only thing you should focus on is on your side.Like: (1) 2 or 3, at least one, years NOA with stable income higher than LICO.(2) Your employment letter that indicates that you will have a stable income during the vist of your pareant.(3) In the invitaion letter, claim that you will afford every expenses of their visit.
回复: 主申请人是农民,雇佣信如何出?呵呵,那就给自己写。
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