加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民超级签证网络申请照片问题
请问是自己拍然后调尺寸,还是扫描证件照片比如护照照片?官方的要求给出的是实际图片的宽高,这个是取决于打印机分辨率的,估计一般的是取300ppi (point per inch)。请申请过超级签证的朋友麻烦确认下好么?Dimensions: The final frame size of the photo must be at least 35 mm x 45 mm (1 3/8" x 1 ¾"). The photographs must show the full front view of the head, with the face in the middle of the photograph, and include the top of the shoulders. The size of the head, from chin to crown, must be between 31 mm (1 ¼") and 36 mm (1 7/16"). Digital dimensions are often expressed in pixels or DPI (dots per inch). The physical dimensions in pixels must be at least 420 x 540.
2011.8.13 入籍申请挂号寄出 8.17网络查询签收付签名 9.15第一封大信封发出 送书一本 2012.3.1变态了in process 电话cic告知申请于2012.4.4 Mississauga接收!2013.2.8考试。2013.3.5入籍。回复: 超级签证网络申请照片问题自己拍然后跳尺寸
回复: 超级签证网络申请照片问题多谢回答 我的意思是 调尺寸应该是基于打印分辨率也就是ppi的啊 用photoshop或者其他软件改变ppi 尺寸大小也会改变 还有这个照片CIC是用在哪里呢?
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