加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急问,关于要求寄护照信的问题
8月5号网申单次旅游,8月27号收到寄护照邮件。IMM5740信,也就是要求寄护照信,就是一个PDF文件,日期,UIC,APPLICATION NO,都是空白的,这个要我自己填好,然后跟护照一起寄出去吗?谢谢!越想越不对,这信上怎么没有我的申请号,不是签证官忘记填写了吧????
回复: 急问,关于要求寄护照信的问题Date:UCI: Application no.:Please quote these reference numbers when referring to this application.DearThis is in reference to your application for temporary residence. A decision has been made on your application. We require your passport to finalize processing your application.Passport requirements• Please provide your passport or travel document, with a copy of this letter.• There must be at least one blank page in your passport.• Your passport must be valid for the duration of your expected length of stay in Canada.• Please note that we cannot issue a visa beyond the expiry date on the passport.Your passport must be received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada within 30 days from the date of this letter. Failure to do so could result in the refusal of your application. Please ensure that a copy of this letter is included with your passport.To find out where to send your passport, visit our website: www.cic.gc.ca/submit .Thank you for the interest you have shown in Canada.Attention: The unique client identification (UCI) number in the upper left corner of this letter is your personal identification number. For your own protection, do not allow any person, other than an authorized representative, to use this number as it provides access to personal information on your file.Citizenship and Immigration Canada以上是护照信。Please quote these reference numbers when referring to this application. 这句话是否就是让我自己填申请号码?谢谢回答!!!
回复: 急问,关于要求寄护照信的问题恭喜!只差一步了。把这个PDF(确认信)打印随护照回去。----我当时写给朋友的步骤:第一步先汇款。一、汇款(1人,250元人民币,含200元服务费和50元快递费)我爸妈共500.1.只能通过 银行柜台汇款或网上银行汇款2.附言中注明申请人姓名及护照号码,并确保银行上传此信息3.账户名称银行名称 中国银行北京使馆区支行 账号 342 860 268 969账户名称 北京双雄对外服务公司签证代理服务中心 二、邮寄1.只能通过 中国邮政(EMS)邮寄申请。2.邮寄地址单位名称: 北京加拿大签证申请中心 地址: 北京市东直门南大街11号 中汇广场A座12层 邮编: 100007联系电话: 010-57636878备注: 邮寄申请 邮寄内容护照、确认信(两个文件,我会另外发邮件)、汇款凭证副本、一张写明回邮地址及邮编的标签纸
回复: 急问,关于要求寄护照信的问题谢谢楼上朋友的回答,非常感谢。但是我的疑问是,信上的日期和申请号码是要我自己填好吗?还是就那么空着?
回复: 急问,关于要求寄护照信的问题寄护照信不会没有日期和号码的。之前我也有这样的问题,后来发现在ipad和iphone上看,号码是显示不出来的,换成电脑看,日期和号码就会出现的啦。
回复: 急问,关于要求寄护照信的问题寄护照信不会没有日期和号码的。之前我也有这样的问题,后来发现在ipad和iphone上看,号码是显示不出来的,换成电脑看,日期和号码就会出现的啦。点击展开...对对对,我终于找到问题所在了。谢谢这位朋友的热心回答!!
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