加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民旅游签证转工签
楼主拿post graduate open work permit在加工作,女朋友8月份拿到了为期6个月的旅游签证,当时我们犹豫是办探亲还是旅游,由于没结婚,就选择了后者。现楼主准备10月份回去结婚,然后和女友一起过来。请问她这种情况可以转open work permit吗?我看网上一般都是拿探亲签证过来转的OWP。如果可以,婚姻状态改变该如何通知移民局呢?谢谢
回复: 旅游签证转工签探亲转成OWP的还是蛮多的,不过旅游就不知道了,但是觉得好像是不太妥当的,给移民局不诚实的感觉,如果是我,就让女友先过来,签证到期前按时回国,然后你再回去和她结婚,然后再帮他申请探亲,不过这只是我个人看法啊,还是帮你顶下,看有么有具体了解的人来解答
回复: 旅游签证转工签我看移民局官网上可以选择extend your stay. 不知可不可以延长为探亲签证,都属于visitor这一大类
回复: 旅游签证转工签别想了,旅游签证是不可能转成任何其他类签证的。
回复: 旅游签证转工签楼主拿post graduate open work permit在加工作,女朋友8月份拿到了为期6个月的旅游签证,当时我们犹豫是办探亲还是旅游,由于没结婚,就选择了后者。现楼主准备10月份回去结婚,然后和女友一起过来。请问她这种情况可以转open work permit吗?我看网上一般都是拿探亲签证过来转的OWP。如果可以,婚姻状态改变该如何通知移民局呢?谢谢点击展开...open work permit holder的配偶一般是可以也申请open work permit的。在提交owp申请的时候填写最新婚姻状况。 概念上来说不存在旅游签转owp,而是另外提交owp的申请另外配偶的owp时间不能超过你自己的。 申请时也需要提交你的owp和你的employment information。
------------------ICCRC 持牌顾问CONSULTATION ICESTARhttp://www.icestarconsulting.com欢迎预约垂询:+1-514-516-6606回复: 旅游签证转工签探亲和旅游都是一种签证吧?
回复: 旅游签证转工签探亲和旅游都是一种签证吧?点击展开...到手的签证是一样的,都是V1 visitor 签证,但移民局应该有详细资料备份
回复: 旅游签证转工签open work permit holder的配偶一般是可以也申请open work permit的。在提交owp申请的时候填写最新婚姻状况。 概念上来说不存在旅游签转owp,而是另外提交owp的申请另外配偶的owp时间不能超过你自己的。 申请时也需要提交你的owp和你的employment information。点击展开...谢谢你的回答,但是我发现为配偶申请OWP的时候没有要求提供结婚证,只要了我的OWP和在职证明
回复: 旅游签证转工签谢谢你的回答,但是我发现为配偶申请OWP的时候没有要求提供结婚证,只要了我的OWP和在职证明点击展开...不客气。那你要看看是否选择了正确的表格和checklist。checklist上有一条应该清楚写明 All applicants:photocopy of your marriage certificate, if applicable.
------------------ICCRC 持牌顾问CONSULTATION ICESTARhttp://www.icestarconsulting.com欢迎预约垂询:+1-514-516-6606不客气。那你要看看是否选择了正确的表格和checklist。checklist上有一条应该清楚写明 All applicants:photocopy of your marriage certificate, if applicable.点击展开...我是想用网申的,就先填了一下那个调查表,但是最后需要提交的材料里面好像没有你说的那一项
回复: 旅游签证转工签Generally, work permits are job specific. If you want to apply for a work permit, you need a:Labour Market Opinion (LMO) from Employment and Social Development Canada; andJob offer from a specific employer.In some cases, work permits are not job specific, so no job offer or LMO is needed. These types of permits are known as open work permits.You can apply for an open work permit if you:Have been recognized as a Convention Refugee or Protected Person by the RPD;Have received a negative decision on your refugee claim but the Government of Canada is not yet ready to remove you from the country. In addition, you must be unable to pay for your basic needs without working;Have applied for permanent residence (PR) in Canada under one of the following categories:Spouse/common-law partner in Canada and your PR application has been approved in principle*;live-in caregiver; orhumanitarian and compassionate grounds and your PR application has been approved in principle*;Are a family member** of a person listed above;Have asked for refugee status in Canada and are waiting for the decision from the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) (after 180 days for refugee claimants from Designated Countries of Origin if no decision has been made). In addition, you are unable to pay for your basic needs without working;Have a study permit and cannot pay for your basic needs without working for reasons that are beyond your control;Have an unexecuted removal order against you and are unable to pay for your basic needs without working;Have a temporary resident permit valid for at least six months and you are unable to pay for your basic needs without working;Are the spouse/common-law partner of a skilled worker; Are the spouse/common-law partner of a provincial nominee;Are the spouse/common-law partner of a foreign full-time student;Are the spouse/common-law partner of a post-graduate student who holds a work permit under the NOC skill levels O, A or B;Are working as part of an exchange agreement, for example:participant in the Canada World Youth Program;participant in an international student and young worker exchange program;dependant of a foreign representative or of military personnel; Have applied for PR under one of the admissible categories of the economic class and meet the program eligibility requirements;Applied for permanence residence (PR) under the Ontario Provincial Nominee Program (Master's or PhD graduates/nominees) and are waiting for your PR application to be finalized;Are the spouse/common-law partner of a work permit holder working in Quebec who is waiting for their PR application under the Quebec Skilled Worker category to be finalized. Some conditions apply. * Approved in principle means that you received a letter from the Case Processing Centre/local office stating that you are eligible to apply for permanent resident (PR) status but that a final decision will not be made until all requirements for becoming a PR have been met. These requirements include medical, security and background checks for you and, if applicable, your family members.** A family member is a spouse, common-law partner, dependent child or dependent child of a dependent child.
海外客家游子群:146691306good good study, day day work......我是想用网申的,就先填了一下那个调查表,但是最后需要提交的材料里面好像没有你说的那一项点击展开...那么你重新再检查一次你所有回答的问题,看看会不会有哪里答错?如果实在不可以,也可以将marriage certificate和你工签字料扫描在一起交。
------------------ICCRC 持牌顾问CONSULTATION ICESTARhttp://www.icestarconsulting.com欢迎预约垂询:+1-514-516-6606探亲转成OWP的还是蛮多的,不过旅游就不知道了,但是觉得好像是不太妥当的,给移民局不诚实的感觉,如果是我,就让女友先过来,签证到期前按时回国,然后你再回去和她结婚,然后再帮他申请探亲,不过这只是我个人看法啊,还是帮你顶下,看有么有具体了解的人来解答点击展开...探亲转成OWP的还是蛮多的?
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