加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不


上午带我妈去美国shopping,回来时说不算出境!为什么呀,难道是美国不是境外吗?还是要在登陆就是下飞机到加拿大六个月后离开,是开车是回来的边境警察说的,不想飞回去,太折腾,但是有多年往返签证能申请super visa 吗,还是去续签好,好像说飞到古巴算离境,谁有什么不那么折腾的好办法呀?

09年6月10号父母移民表格寄出3月30要补料 5月15DM转ottawa 7月26Me 8月5MRE 10月18号护照寄西雅图。。。。回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!本来就不算啊,单次签证去美国还能再入关的,CIC网站都有写

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!美国不算出境?还是西雅图的outlet不算出境???

2011.6月8-担保人资料寄出(父母团聚移民)2013.1月16-收到第一封确认信回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!续签是正招。。。。。。

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!还是西雅图的outlet?什么意思?反正就是开车过去西雅图买了趟东西,回来说不算,西雅图不就是美国吗?恩,没招了刚才马上上网申请了延期,不知结果如何,影响不影响那个多年往返的签证。

09年6月10号父母移民表格寄出3月30要补料 5月15DM转ottawa 7月26Me 8月5MRE 10月18号护照寄西雅图。。。。本来就不算啊,单次签证去美国还能再入关的,CIC网站都有写点击展开...请问这个是哪个网页上写的?我刚才在CIC上怎么没找到呢? 我父母就是拿单次加拿大签证和美国签证 我不知道他们还能不能回来加拿大呀?

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!美国单次签证,加拿大也是单次签证,从美国到加拿大后又回美国,没有问题。有实际的经历。我想,反过来应该也没有问题吧。

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!请问这个是哪个网页上写的?我刚才在CIC上怎么没找到呢? 我父母就是拿单次加拿大签证和美国签证 我不知道他们还能不能回来加拿大呀?点击展开...http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/visit/index.aspWhat is the difference between a single-entry visa and a multiple-entry visa?Single-entry visaA single-entry visa allows you to enter Canada once.When you arrive at the point of entry in Canada, an officer of the Canada Border Services Agency will make sure you meet the requirements to enter Canada.The officer will authorize your stay by placing a stamp in your passport and/or issuing an additional document.If there is no stamp, a handwritten date or document in your passport, your temporary resident status will expire six months from the day you arrived in Canada.If you were given a visitor record, student or work permit, the expiry date is marked on the document.If you leave Canada during your authorized stay, you must get a new visitor visa to re-enter Canada.There are two exceptions: you can visit the United States or Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and return to Canada without getting a new visa, as long as you:return within the initial period authorized by the immigration officer orhave a valid visitor record, work permit, study permit, or a temporary resident permit (authorizing re-entry) and return within the initial period authorized by the officer.

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/visit/index.aspWhat is the difference between a single-entry visa and a multiple-entry visa?Single-entry visaA single-entry visa allows you to enter Canada once.When you arrive at the point of entry in Canada, an officer of the Canada Border Services Agency will make sure you meet the requirements to enter Canada.The officer will authorize your stay by placing a stamp in your passport and/or issuing an additional document.If there is no stamp, a handwritten date or document in your passport, your temporary resident status will expire six months from the day you arrived in Canada.If you were given a visitor record, student or work permit, the expiry date is marked on the document.If you leave Canada during your authorized stay, you must get a new visitor visa to re-enter Canada.There are two exceptions: you can visit the United States or Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and return to Canada without getting a new visa, as long as you:return within the initial period authorized by the immigration officer orhave a valid visitor record, work permit, study permit, or a temporary resident permit (authorizing re-entry) and return within the initial period authorized by the officer.点击展开...太感谢了,这样我就放心了。再次谢谢

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!上午带我妈去美国shopping,回来时说不算出境!为什么呀,难道是美国不是境外吗?还是要在登陆就是下飞机到加拿大六个月后离开,是开车是回来的边境警察说的,不想飞回去,太折腾,但是有多年往返签证能申请super visa 吗,还是去续签好,好像说飞到古巴算离境,谁有什么不那么折腾的好办法呀?点击展开...问个问题,你妈妈进美国要有美国的签证吗?

Yesterday is history,tomorrow is coming, but today is present!回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!从陆路走的不算出境,坐飞机去美国再飞回来算出境吗?

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!从陆路走的不算出境,坐飞机去美国再飞回来算出境吗?点击展开...看我上面贴的,跟交通工具无关

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!问个问题,你妈妈进美国要有美国的签证吗?点击展开...你想什么呢?

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!谢谢!http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/visit/index.aspWhat is the difference between a single-entry visa and a multiple-entry visa?Single-entry visaA single-entry visa allows you to enter Canada once.When you arrive at the point of entry in Canada, an officer of the Canada Border Services Agency will make sure you meet the requirements to enter Canada.The officer will authorize your stay by placing a stamp in your passport and/or issuing an additional document.If there is no stamp, a handwritten date or document in your passport, your temporary resident status will expire six months from the day you arrived in Canada.If you were given a visitor record, student or work permit, the expiry date is marked on the document.If you leave Canada during your authorized stay, you must get a new visitor visa to re-enter Canada.There are two exceptions: you can visit the United States or Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and return to Canada without getting a new visa, as long as you:return within the initial period authorized by the immigration officer orhave a valid visitor record, work permit, study permit, or a temporary resident permit (authorizing re-entry) and return within the initial period authorized by the officer.点击展开...

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!从陆路走的不算出境,坐飞机去美国再飞回来算出境吗?点击展开...算

2011.1.23 Buffalo,01.28妥投,04.11:RBVO;新址现--2013.4.15 转墨西哥,5月27号补料体检,6.18补料成功,7.20补寄登陆费妥,ME收到,9.10补国外无刑材料,10.24PPR,11.5签收,11.18DM,11.27收到大信封。毕业!看我上面贴的,跟交通工具无关点击展开...跟交通工具是有关滴

2011.1.23 Buffalo,01.28妥投,04.11:RBVO;新址现--2013.4.15 转墨西哥,5月27号补料体检,6.18补料成功,7.20补寄登陆费妥,ME收到,9.10补国外无刑材料,10.24PPR,11.5签收,11.18DM,11.27收到大信封。毕业!问个问题,你妈妈进美国要有美国的签证吗?点击展开...一点调查没做啊你,当然要!

2011.1.23 Buffalo,01.28妥投,04.11:RBVO;新址现--2013.4.15 转墨西哥,5月27号补料体检,6.18补料成功,7.20补寄登陆费妥,ME收到,9.10补国外无刑材料,10.24PPR,11.5签收,11.18DM,11.27收到大信封。毕业!回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!女儿在加拿大 有枫叶卡和10年美签 我有加拿大的10年多次往返 可以在加拿大办美签吗 请高人指点迷津

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!女儿在加拿大 有枫叶卡和10年美签 我有加拿大的10年多次往返 可以在加拿大办美签吗 请高人指点迷津点击展开...可以。N多人的父母办成功过。

回复: 郁闷刚从美国开车和妈妈回来,多年往返签证不算出境!谢谢 知道从递表预约到面签大概等待多长时间吗?

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