加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Travel Insurance
How much coverage does everyone get for your parents? I'm thinking somewhere between $50k - 100k. I will also take my parents to states, do I have to buy addidtional insurance for that? Any thoughts?
回复: Travel InsuranceHow much coverage does everyone get for your parents? I'm thinking somewhere between $50k - 100k. I will also take my parents to states, do I have to buy addidtional insurance for that? Any thoughts?点击展开...要去美国的话,保险买多些为好。五--十万可以考虑。如去美国不超过在加拿大居住的时间(保险期间的50%以内,最长不超过三十天即可)的话,就不必单独再买保险。more info. you may check our web: www.kintrust.com谢谢
探亲旅游保险专家 TONY 老柯778-868-3898; 604-283-1588; 1-866-422-5005www.kintrust.comHow much coverage does everyone get for your parents? I'm thinking somewhere between $50k - 100k. I will also take my parents to states, do I have to buy addidtional insurance for that? Any thoughts?点击展开...Except Super Visa insurance ( The government regulation is at least $100,000 coverage for Super Visa), Most of my clients choose $50,000 coverage. If you take your parents to US, you don't need to buy additional insurance, however it requires that your parents stay in USA shorter than in Canada. Any questions, please call me (416-834-9204) or email me(zhouwanmao@hotmail.com) .
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