加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国签证 - 孩子用不用去美签面试的解答
之前看到有帖子讨论过,最后也没有答案。今天上网查到这个,应该是官方准确答案,给大家参考:http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/types/types_1262.html#notravel Schedule an Interview While interviews are generally not required for applicants of certain ages outlined below, consular officers have the discretion to require an interview of any applicant, regardless of age. If you are age:Than an interview is:13 and younger Generally not required14-79 Required (some exceptions for renewals)80 and older Generally not required You must schedule an appointment for your visa interview, generally, at the U.S. embassy or consulate in the country where you live. You may schedule your interview at any U.S. embassy or consulate, but be aware that it may be difficult to qualify for a visa outside of your place of permanent residence. Wait times for interview appointments vary by location, season, and visa category, so you should apply for your visa early. Review the interview wait time for the location where you will apply.
回复: 孩子用不用去美签面试的解答上星期去了,过了。没带孩子,五岁半,签证官还问呢:小的呢?我说在学校上课呢: ) 所以按照上面说的年龄的孩子确实不用去的。 PS. 我在多伦多签的
回复: 孩子用不用去美签面试的解答好的,看了你的答复我决定不带十一岁的女儿去
青丝已白发回复: 孩子用不用去美签面试的解答不知道你是什么时候签,我们上星期去,天气好冷,在外面排了20多分钟进取安检,都冻僵了,真的很冷,当时就想好在没带孩子。
回复: 孩子用不用去美签面试的解答留印
回复: 孩子用不用去美签面试的解答不需要的
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