之前的情况如下贴http://forum.iask.be/showthread.php?p=9724658#post9724658现在的情况是,加拿大的大学给开了份无资金资助的邀请函,邀请我过去合作,时间是从3月1日到6月30日。上面说明了我应该选择visitor签证。于是出行目的我选择的是visitor What is the main purpose of your visit?我选择的是: To conduct business这种情况是应该选这个吗?

然后这个问题我应该怎么选择呢?What type of business will you be conducting in Canada?

I want to conduct international business activities in Canada, but will not enter the Canadian labour market. I want to purchase Canadian goods and services for a foreign business or government, and/or go on training related to these goods and services. I want to take or give training with a Canadian corporation (or subsidiary) that employs me outside of Canada. Goods and services received from the training is incidental. I am representing a foreign business or government and want to sell goods on behalf of the business or government. (No sales to the general public). 第二个问题,我上次申请的多次往返签证被拒签了。但是这次如果选择单次往返的话,我5月初要回欧洲结婚,那时候回来就不能在入境了,到时候又得重新申请签证。如果这次选择多次往返,有多大的可能性通过呢?谢谢所有回答我问题的热心人,上次帮助很大,一并谢过了。祝大家新年快乐!万事顺意!
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