加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民正在搞网上申请探亲续签,Proof of Means of Financi
your bank statements for the past four monthsa bank draft in convertible currencypay stubsan employment letterproof of assets or businessproof of payment of tuition and accommodation feestax reports, declarations or statementsproof of a student/education loan from a financial institutiona letter from the person or institution providing you with moneyproof of funding paid from within Canada, if you have a scholarship or are in a Canadian-funded educational programproof of a Canadian bank account in your name if money has been transferred to Canada====到底该如何提供啊??没有要邀请人提供啥啊
回复: 正在搞网上申请探亲续签,Proof of Means of Financial Support问题你好 我也准备申请续签呢,你选申请人的居住地是加拿大 可能不要那么多的资料!
回复: 正在搞网上申请探亲续签,Proof of Means of Financial Support问题你好 我也准备申请续签呢,你选申请人的居住地是加拿大 可能不要那么多的资料!点击展开...这就是填了加拿大后出来的list。我刚为婆婆网申续签,就按这个list尽量多提供吧。我提供了她的退休证,退休金证明,存折流水,存款证明,房产证明,股票证明,保险发票等(她是自保的)。另外我还将我在加拿大银行的存款证明也提供了,作为补充。如果费用是由邀请人来出,应该还要提供邀请人的NOA,bank statement,存款证明等等吧。
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