加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题
各位各位!!!父母两个人来探亲 拿的十年签证 过来准备待6个月。他们2个人一共携带20500加币现金上飞机,不知道允许不允许?需要申报吗?如果申报 是否缴税 交多少税?万分感谢
回复: 请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题等下
回复: 请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题好像每人不能超过1万,如果超过须申报,不交税。你这就差一点儿…
我若不勇敢,谁替我坚强!回复: 请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题入境申报单已經改了,少了”per person”。"一个家庭"带超过 CAN$10,000要打勾申报,不需要缴税。要带更多~更多~更多~~~也行,只要申报就好。以前是…. I am/we are bringing into Canada: Currency and/or monetary instruments of a value totaling CAN$10,000 or more per person.现在是…. I am/we are bringing into Canada: Currency and/or monetary instruments totaling CAN$10,000 or more.新版Declaration Card http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/forms-formulaires/e311-eng.pdf
回复: 请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题没啥问题。不过,带现金多不安全。
回复: 请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题入境申报单已經改了,少了”per person”。"一个家庭"带超过 CAN$10,000要打勾申报,不需要缴税。要带更多~更多~更多~~~也行,只要申报就好。以前是…. I am/we are bringing into Canada: Currency and/or monetary instruments of a value totaling CAN$10,000 or more per person.现在是…. I am/we are bringing into Canada: Currency and/or monetary instruments totaling CAN$10,000 or more.新版Declaration Card http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/forms-formulaires/e311-eng.pdf点击展开...那你怎么理解左边Instruction里面的一句话Each traveller is responsible for reporting currency and/or monetary instruments totaling CAN$10,000 or more that are in his or her actual possession or baggage.
我若不勇敢,谁替我坚强!回复: 请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题刚才给border打过电话了,真个家庭带超过1万要申报。
我若不勇敢,谁替我坚强!回复: 请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题只是申报一下,没有任何费用。
快快的想,慢慢的说回复: 请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题You'd better to claim it. My friend's son was unfortunately chosen by CBSA and the total money he brought was 170 bucks over CAD$10000. What they did was that they count every kind of money he brought in, i.e. RMB,US dollar and convert them into CAD using the exchange rate of that day. And finally they gave him a list detailed in every penny he carried and charged him a penalty as around 170 bucks.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]2012年1月13日拿到OSSD2014年6月Accg Diploma, graduated with high honoursContract ing回复: 请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题只要申报就可以了,最好把银行的流水单带着。我妈上次就带了超过一万申报了,给他们看了银行流水单就没问什么。
回复: 请教父母过来旅游带现金的问题各位各位!!!父母两个人来探亲 拿的十年签证 过来准备待6个月。他们2个人一共携带20500加币现金上飞机,不知道允许不允许?需要申报吗?如果申报 是否缴税 交多少税?万分感谢点击展开...中国海关不允许,最多每人5000美金等值货币。加拿大只需海关申报。
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