加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Chinese car and motobike driving License For Foreigners and


Chinese Driving license for foreigners in guangzhou cityExtend Chinese Visa For Foreigners 外国人驾照办理延期,外籍驾照如何转中国驾照外籍人士换领驾照,新加坡驾驶证,马来西亚驾驶证,香港驾驶证,台湾驾驶证 转为中国(大陆)驾驶证Chinese car and motobike driving License For Foreigners and Extend Chinese Visa For Foreigners We can get a Chinese driving license for foreigners with any visa. You can verify its validity at driving and vehicle license centre.If you want to drive car in China , Please contact us.Here is a list of documents we need to help a foreigner get his or her Chinese legal driving license :1.a copy of the main passport page2.a copy of the valid visa ( any visa type is ok ). 3.a copy of the both sides of the overseas driving license (any driving license is ok )4.a copy of the last entry stamp5.8 one-inch color pictures with white background6.Your chinese name and your height in centimetersWe also can provide the service to extend China visa for foreigners in China. M Visa with multiple entries ,60 days or 90 days each stay . Tel: 13428688292Msn: [email protected]: chinaexpatserviceEmail: [email protected] : http://www.chinavisa-service.comhttp://www.chinesedriverslicense.com

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