加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民where and how??
Hi, Everyone (Sorry, can't type Chinese now) I'm applying visit visa for my parents-in-law. They got approved. Do they need to maile their passport to加拿大签证申请中心中国北京市东城区东直门南大街11号中汇广场A座12层邮编:100007and pay 431 RMB (two person) to 银行名称:中国银行北京使馆区支行账号:342 860 268 969账户名称:北京双雄对外服务公司签证代理服务中心Thanks.
Enjoy every single moment in life. 赏 2015-02-10#2 796 $0.00 please
Enjoy every single moment in life. 赏 2015-02-10#3 796 $0.00 anybody?
Enjoy every single moment in life. 赏 2015-02-10#4 P 452 $0.00 没懂你的问题,申请探亲签证被批了,护照不是应该申请的时候就已经提交过去了吗?签证会贴在护照里的呀。
pancty 说:没懂你的问题,申请探亲签证被批了,护照不是应该申请的时候就已经提交过去了吗?签证会贴在护照里的呀。点击展开...网申要批了才叫寄护照。
p5519727 说:网申要批了才叫寄护照。点击展开... yes, I applied online. They asked to mail passports.But I got the adress. Thanks
Enjoy every single moment in life.网申要批了才叫寄护照。点击展开...哦现在都是网上进行拉,我当时还是同时做的呢,先进了。
Yes. You parents-in-law have to mail their passports to the address you posted. However before mailing, them have to pay the service fee to the account you found through any finance institution they like. Remember put the receipt with passports together into the same envelop. Good Luck.Hi, Everyone (Sorry, can't type Chinese now)I'm applying visit visa for my parents-in-law. They got approved. Do they need to maile their passport to加拿大签证申请中心中国北京市东城区东直门南大街11号中汇广场A座12层邮编:100007and pay 431 RMB (two person) to银行名称:中国银行北京使馆区支行账号:342 860 268 969账户名称:北京双雄对外服务公司签证代理服务中心Thanks.点击展开...
2006.3.8 FN 2007.9.5 ME 2008.1.7 DM 2008.1.20 PL 2008.7.20 短登30天 2011.1.30 长登 2014.12.29入籍申请 2015.02.22:档案号 2015.08.10考试 2015.08.26宣誓;2016.06.19入籍申请 2016.09.7考试 2016.09.26宣誓;Yes. You parents-in-law have to mail their passports to the address you posted. However before mailing, them have to pay the service fee to the account you found through any finance institution they like.Remember put the receipt with passports together into the same envelop. Good Luck.点击展开...thanks a lot
Enjoy every single moment in life. 赏 2015-02-11#10 莅 770 $0.00 请问是你们夫妻共同邀请还是你自己邀请的啊, 谢谢
求佛菩萨保佑大家都能和自己的爱人,家人尽快团聚在一起!请问是你们夫妻共同邀请还是你自己邀请的啊, 谢谢点击展开...我和老公一起申请的
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