加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民新手再询问几个关于续签的问题,谢谢大家
不好意思各位大神打扰了,新手再有几个问题向大家请假一下:1,网上续签的时候是不是要选择more than 6 months?2, Problematic field: Is your family member staying in Canada for more than 6 months AND has lived in one or more designated countries or territories for more than six months in the last year? Your family member's stay starts on the day they entered Canada and ends on the day they want to leave Canada.这个是不是要选择yes啊3, 另外,想问一下,父母刚开始申请的时候说是来加拿大旅游,要是给父母办延期的话可以说是我邀请他们和我一起旅游嘛?因为我看问题里有一个问的是父母是不是有直系亲属有pr,我是新移民,刚登陆不久,收入也不多,办不了super visa,以我身份去说可以嘛?谢谢各位大神
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