加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料
很多都是在网上找的资料进行的简要修改,希望能帮助到有需要的人。 首先是父母不懂英语情况下,给海关官员的信: Dear Customs Officer, My name is xxx and I am a visitor from P. R. China. I don’t know English at all, so I have to show this letter. This is the first time I travel to Canada. The purpose of this trip is to attend my son-in-law, xxx’s convocation at xxx on xxx and also visit my daughter, xxx, who is working and living in Toronto now. I plan to stay in Canada for about 2 months. I brought some used clothes in my luggage with me. Further details about my trip and the inviters are in the enclosed invitation letter. If you have any further questions, could you please introduce me to an interpreter for help? You may call my son-in-law’s telephone (xxx-xxxxxxx) as well. Thank you very much and have a great day! xxx 2010/11/10 其次是上了飞机后要填的declaration card: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/E/pbg/cf/e311/e311-eng08-04.pdf 还有多伦多和温哥华机场的中文简图: http://tripca.eduwo.com/canimmigration/24625.htm 最后附上一些可能用到的一些词句: 重要词汇中英文对照 1. 中国(China) 加拿大(Canada) 北京(Bei Jing/Peking) 多伦多(Toronto)机票( Air Ticket) 护照(Passport)签证 (Visa) 登机卡(Boarding Pass) 登机口(Boarding gate) 行李(Luggage)行李票(Claim Tag)厕所(Washroom) 2.1) 你好,我不会讲英文,请问哪里有中文服务?Hi, I could not speak English. Do you know where I can get the Chinese/Mandarin service?2) 我叫xxx。My name is xxx.3) 我去多伦多看望我女儿和参加我女婿的毕业典礼。I am going to Toronto to visit my daughter and attend my son-in-law’s convocation.4) 我是头一次来加拿大。This is my first time to visit Canada.5) 我的行李是我的衣服。My luggage is my used clothes. There is not any prohibited items6) 您能指导我打个电话给我儿子吗?我想告诉他我的航班。Could you please help me and teach me how to call my daughter’s cell phone? Her phone number is xxx and I would like to tell her my flight time. Thank you very much!7) 请问我该在哪里取行李?Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can take my luggage? Thank you!8) 我找不到我的行李。I can’t find my luggage.9) 请问洗手间在哪里?Excuse me, could you tell me where is the washroom? Thank you!10) 请给我一杯(热茶、水、热水、橙汁、牛奶),不加冰。Excuse me, please give me a cup of(Hot Tea, Water, Hot water, Orange Juice, Milk). No ice, please. Thank you!11) 我有点饿,能给我一点吃的东西吗?---谢谢Excuse me, I am a little hungry, would you please give me something to eat? Thank you!12) 对不起,我有点冷,请给我一条毯子/小枕头好吗?Excuse me, I feel a little cold. Could you give me a blanket/pillow? 13) 请帮我一个忙,行吗?Can you help me? Please?14) 谢谢你。Thank you very much.15)我的行李是放在这里吗?May I put my luggage here? 3. 米饭: Rice 面包: Bread 汉堡:Hamburg 方便面: Instant Noodle 牛肉: Beef 鸡肉: Chicken早饭:Breakfast 午饭:Lunch 晚饭:Dinner茶: Tea 普通水: Water 热水: Hot Water 矿泉水: Spring Water橙汁: Orange Juice 牛奶: Milk不加冰:No ice
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料哇塞,太好啦。 谢谢啊。加分啦。
Sense吉他 专业教室 零起步 一对一 中英文教学王铎 (Jaden Wang) 微信号码:jadenwangduoTel: 647-204-2618回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料good
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料谢谢LZ,我已经转发给爸妈了,相信他们肯定能派上用场,呵呵呵
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料太好了,楼主真有心!下载了!!!!
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料收藏了,谢谢楼主
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料thanks
班芙跟团游小贴士交流有关mini school的信息笔试小体会学车记很多都是在网上找的资料进行的简要修改,希望能帮助到有需要的人。 首先是父母不懂英语情况下,给海关官员的信: Dear Customs Officer, My name is xxx and I am a visitor from P. R. China. I don’t know English at all, so I have to show this letter. This is the first time I travel to Canada. The purpose of this trip is to attend my son-in-law, xxx’s convocation at xxx on xxx and also visit my daughter, xxx, who is working and living in Toronto now. I plan to stay in Canada for about 2 months. I brought some used clothes in my luggage with me. Further details about my trip and the inviters are in the enclosed invitation letter. If you have any further questions, could you please introduce me to an interpreter for help? You may call my son-in-law’s telephone (xxx-xxxxxxx) as well. Thank you very much and have a great day! xxx 2010/11/10 其次是上了飞机后要填的declaration card: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/E/pbg/cf/e311/e311-eng08-04.pdf 还有多伦多和温哥华机场的中文简图: http://tripca.eduwo.com/canimmigration/24625.htm 最后附上一些可能用到的一些词句: 重要词汇中英文对照 1. 中国(China) 加拿大(Canada) 北京(Bei Jing/Peking) 多伦多(Toronto)机票( Air Ticket) 护照(Passport)签证 (Visa) 登机卡(Boarding Pass) 登机口(Boarding gate) 行李(Luggage)行李票(Claim Tag)厕所(Washroom) 2.1) 你好,我不会讲英文,请问哪里有中文服务?Hi, I could not speak English. Do you know where I can get the Chinese/Mandarin service?2) 我叫xxx。My name is xxx.3) 我去多伦多看望我女儿和参加我女婿的毕业典礼。I am going to Toronto to visit my daughter and attend my son-in-law’s convocation.4) 我是头一次来加拿大。This is my first time to visit Canada.5) 我的行李是我的衣服。My luggage is my used clothes. There is not any prohibited items6) 您能指导我打个电话给我儿子吗?我想告诉他我的航班。Could you please help me and teach me how to call my daughter’s cell phone? Her phone number is xxx and I would like to tell her my flight time. Thank you very much!7) 请问我该在哪里取行李?Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can take my luggage? Thank you!8) 我找不到我的行李。I can’t find my luggage.9) 请问洗手间在哪里?Excuse me, could you tell me where is the washroom? Thank you!10) 请给我一杯(热茶、水、热水、橙汁、牛奶),不加冰。Excuse me, please give me a cup of(Hot Tea, Water, Hot water, Orange Juice, Milk). No ice, please. Thank you!11) 我有点饿,能给我一点吃的东西吗?---谢谢Excuse me, I am a little hungry, would you please give me something to eat? Thank you!12) 对不起,我有点冷,请给我一条毯子/小枕头好吗?Excuse me, I feel a little cold. Could you give me a blanket/pillow? 13) 请帮我一个忙,行吗?Can you help me? Please?14) 谢谢你。Thank you very much.15)我的行李是放在这里吗?May I put my luggage here? 3. 米饭: Rice 面包: Bread 汉堡:Hamburg 方便面: Instant Noodle 牛肉: Beef 鸡肉: Chicken早饭:Breakfast 午饭:Lunch 晚饭:Dinner茶: Tea 普通水: Water 热水: Hot Water 矿泉水: Spring Water橙汁: Orange Juice 牛奶: Milk不加冰:No ice点击展开...很有帮助,收藏啦。谢谢!
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料不错.标记一下先.
三口之家ebates.ca 推荐链接http://www.ebates.ca/referrer?referrerid=dh/du73U4bo=网上购物 shop.ca 推荐链接 http://www.shop.ca?plcktb=ZwJzXWwCbQ2回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料今天听我妈妈说 用我的材料 海关一句话都没问 就盖章走人了 同行的人没有材料的被拉到移民官那里问话了 也许多准备写材料能帮老人省不少事情
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料真好。那你指的材料就是上面的那封给海关的信和邀请函么?谢谢哈。
Sense吉他 专业教室 零起步 一对一 中英文教学王铎 (Jaden Wang) 微信号码:jadenwangduoTel: 647-204-2618回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料不错,谢谢。
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料真好。那你指的材料就是上面的那封给海关的信和邀请函么?谢谢哈。点击展开...恩 是的 你家人怎么样 过来了吧
jacquelinejj 说:恩 是的 你家人怎么样 过来了吧点击展开...恩。周末刚到,也很顺利的。谢谢你提供的这些有用信息啊。
Sense吉他 专业教室 零起步 一对一 中英文教学王铎 (Jaden Wang) 微信号码:jadenwangduoTel: 647-204-2618回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料谢谢楼主!
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料恩。周末刚到,也很顺利的。谢谢你提供的这些有用信息啊。点击展开...别客气 有机会可以让他们一起结伴出去旅游
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料收藏了,谢谢!
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料good
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料LZ 准备得确实周详,不过也没有这么复杂,我只是帮他们填好入关申报表就ok了,因为一下飞机就有义工带他们过关而且帮忙翻译,不到5分钟就过关了。他们是探亲的,移民的可能手续不同。义工还借了手机给他们打电话给我们,我们还以为要个把小时才出来,搞得他们还在机场等了我们十几分钟。
回复: 我总结的一些帮助父母入关的资料多伦多 机场有中文义工?
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