加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民母亲旅游签证延期问题请教
母亲是十年多次往返的旅游签证,呆了快半年了准备申请延期,有问题请教各位,先谢过啦!1.开始的网上questionaire里Do you have a family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and is 18 years or older? 官方定义Family members为:An applicant’s closest relatives, in the context of an application to CIC. It is defined as a spouse or common-law partner, dependent children, and their dependent children.我应该不属于dependent child了,我有PR身份,这里应该选Yes还是No?搜了以前帖子有不同说法,迷茫。2.IMM5708E表,第2页coming into Canada部分,母亲去年第一次来加拿大,时间不长,今年是第二次,date and place of your original entry to Canada应该填去年还是今年入境日期?3.因我新移民,家庭暂无收入,延期目的选tourism还是family visit好?4.IMM5708E表第3页details of visit to Canada中,Name, address and relationship of any person I will visit里是不是应该写上我的信息?5.如果financial support全由母亲自己出,想延期半年以上,funds available for my stay写多少加元比较合适?2万加元够吗?
1;no2;第一次入境3;family visit is ok4,yes5,20K is enough!
·生活百科 出口有限按需
·生活百科 PV系统运行正确?