如果还想保留PR身份,试试申请travel document
人在国内,卡过期3年了, 能在申请TD吗?
lizhl2000 说:PR卡过期不等于PR身份失去了,如想办探亲签证,可以填写CIC网站上的自动放弃身份表格,批准很快。批准后就可申请10年签证了。这是我的做法,供参考!点击展开...不知道签了这个自动放弃身份表格,以后还能申请团聚吗?
lizhl2000 说:没说不能申请移民,反正我正在准备递交团聚移民申请。点击展开...你好,请问IMM5538B 放弃身份声明的表格在哪下载,在官网上找不到。你当时是放弃身份和探亲签证一起递交吗?谢谢!
lizhl2000 说:表格可从这个链接http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/voluntarily-renounce.asp找到。我不是一起递交的,但我研究CIC网上的相关信息(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/tools/perm/card/renounce.asp),可以一并递交。以上信息供参考。点击展开...你好,我正在研究这事,我看了网站,现在表格变成5782和5783了。您帮助看一下,是不是这样,交这两个表格就行了,就可以放弃枫叶卡。不用同时再提交TRV吧? 我只想放弃后,下一步办理旅游或普通探亲签证。
baiyundu 说:你好,我正在研究这事,我看了网站,现在表格变成5782和5783了。您帮助看一下,是不是这样,交这两个表格就行了,就可以放弃枫叶卡。不用同时再提交TRV吧? 我只想放弃后,下一步办理旅游或普通探亲签证。点击展开...是的,我就是按此办理的。
lizhl2000 说:是的,我就是按此办理的。点击展开...谢谢回复。那么交完5782和5783表格后,等审批下来,就可以跟其他人一样正常办理vistor签证了?那个TRV(返加证)不用再办理了吗?
baiyundu 说:谢谢回复。那么交完5782和5783表格后,等审批下来,就可以跟其他人一样正常办理vistor签证了?那个TRV(返加证)不用再办理了吗?点击展开...是的。返回证TRD是与PR相关的,放弃PR并获批,就可正常办Visitor签证。我的Visitor签证也办下来了,签证有效期是护照有效期的前一天。我就是先邮寄的放弃申请,过一段时间就会收到批准放弃的电子邮件。UCI: *******Application:Q********Dear ***:This concerns your application to voluntarily renounce your permanent resident status.After reviewing the documents you provided, I am satisfied that you meet the requirements of section 72.6 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. I therefore approve your application.As of the date of this letter you are no longer a permanent resident of Canada. I recommend that you keep this letter for future reference.In order to enter or remain in Canada in the future, you are required to meet all the regular requirements as a temporary resident including obtaining a temporary resident visa, a work permit, or a study permit, as appropriate.Any application for Canadian citizenship or to sponsor a family member as a member of the family class that was still in process will now be refused. You will not receive a refund of the processing fees for those applications.You may no longer be eligible for social or health services provided to permanent residents by the Government of Canada, or by your province or territory of residence. You should contact the appropriate federal or provincial government department in order to obtain further information.Sincerely,Immigration officer
lizhl2000 说:是的。返回证TRD是与PR相关的,放弃PR并获批,就可正常办Visitor签证。我的Visitor签证也办下来了,签证有效期是护照有效期的前一天。我就是先邮寄的放弃申请,过一段时间就会收到批准放弃的电子邮件。UCI: *******Application:Q********Dear ***:This concerns your application to voluntarily renounce your permanent resident status.After reviewing the documents you provided, I am satisfied that you meet the requirements of section 72.6 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. I therefore approve your application.As of the date of this letter you are no longer a permanent resident of Canada. I recommend that you keep this letter for future reference.In order to enter or remain in Canada in the future, you are required to meet all the regular requirements as a temporary resident including obtaining a temporary resident visa, a work permit, or a study permit, as appropriate.Any application for Canadian citizenship or to sponsor a family member as a member of the family class that was still in process will now be refused. You will not receive a refund of the processing fees for those applications.You may no longer be eligible for social or health services provided to permanent residents by the Government of Canada, or by your province or territory of residence. You should contact the appropriate federal or provincial government department in order to obtain further information.Sincerely,Immigration officer点击展开...尊敬的申请人,您好感谢您的邮件。根据使馆要求,如果您确定放弃您的移民身份,并且如果您需要办理探亲或旅游签证.请您直接准备您的探亲或旅游签证申请材料,附加上5782(放弃移民身份申请)表和您的枫叶卡.一起递交申请. 以上是我发邮件询问后,签证中心给的回复。看来不是太复杂,终于有点眉目了。
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