加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天参加入籍考试-有点难


2010年1月递入籍申请,2011年1月通知考笔试,刚好365天。我没之前去考试的那两个朋友幸运,试题正好跟网上最流行的那套试题一模一样,我抽到的试题是E卷。大概的题目和答案是这样的: 1.Capital City of Canada Ottawa 2. What contribution did Terry Forx Do? Raise money for Cancer Research 3. Who can vote in Federal Elections? Canadian Citizen, at least 18 years old and on the voter's list 4. What's House of Commons? Selected Members of Parliament .... 5. What's meaning of Constitutional Monachy? Queen is head of State and Prime Minister is head of goverment 6. What's the signaficance of Fur Trade to Canada? 不知道答案 7. What's on National Register of Electors? Candidate's information 8. How do you vote in Federal elections? by Secret Ballot 9. Why do we take oath to Sovereign? 不知道哪个答案正确Canada is personified by the Sovereign just as the Sovereign is personified by Canada (?好像没这个答案选择) 10. What is Rememberance day?Remember the sacrifices of ourveterans and the brave people in the wars 11. How many have given their lives in the wars? 110,00 12. What's the meaning of "from sea to sea"? pacific ocean from the west to Alantic Ocean from the east 13. Which province is the largest pulp and paper producer and hydroelectricity? Quebec 14. How does a bill become a law? approved by the House of Commons and the Senate and received royal consent 15. What are the fundermetal freedom? Freedom of conscience and religion and freedom of association 16. What tradition do present canada society inherited from? (大概意思) Christian 17. Which province is the most eastly point in North America and has its own time zone? Newfoundland and Labrador 18. Who can apply for Canadian Passport? Canadian citizens 19. What are Prairie Provinces? Saskachewen, Manitoba and Alberta 20. 抱歉,实在记不起了 QQ:576522239 入籍的心情不知道该怎么形容,好像熬了这么几年就为了这么一天,可是突然觉得要失去原来的国籍,又感到若有所失,有点茫然..... 祝大家好运吧!

回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难11题的答案漏了一个0,应该是110,000

回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难6. What's the signaficance of Fur Trade to Canada? 不知道答案点击展开...欧洲移民大批到来,开发加拿大。

回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难Sz

回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难多谢lz的共享

回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难多谢多谢!LZ面试问了什么问题?没花多长时间吧

回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难谢谢楼主分享,请问题型是问答还是选择题(多项选择还是单项选择)? 2010年1月递入籍申请,2011年1月通知考笔试,刚好365天。我没之前去考试的那两个朋友幸运,试题正好跟网上最流行的那套试题一模一样,我抽到的试题是E卷。大概的题目和答案是这样的: 1.Capital City of Canada Ottawa 2. What contribution did Terry Forx Do? Raise money for Cancer Research 3. Who can vote in Federal Elections? Canadian Citizen, at least 18 years old and on the voter's list 4. What's House of Commons? Selected Members of Parliament .... 5. What's meaning of Constitutional Monachy? Queen is head of State and Prime Minister is head of goverment 6. What's the signaficance of Fur Trade to Canada? 不知道答案 7. What's on National Register of Electors? Candidate's information 8. How do you vote in Federal elections? by Secret Ballot 9. Why do we take oath to Sovereign? 不知道哪个答案正确Canada is personified by the Sovereign just as the Sovereign is personified by Canada (?好像没这个答案选择) 10. What is Rememberance day?Remember the sacrifices of ourveterans and the brave people in the wars 11. How many have given their lives in the wars? 110,00 12. What's the meaning of "from sea to sea"? pacific ocean from the west to Alantic Ocean from the east 13. Which province is the largest pulp and paper producer and hydroelectricity? Quebec 14. How does a bill become a law? approved by the House of Commons and the Senate and received royal consent 15. What are the fundermetal freedom? Freedom of conscience and religion and freedom of association 16. What tradition do present canada society inherited from? (大概意思) Christian 17. Which province is the most eastly point in North America and has its own time zone? Newfoundland and Labrador 18. Who can apply for Canadian Passport? Canadian citizens 19. What are Prairie Provinces? Saskachewen, Manitoba and Alberta 20. 抱歉,实在记不起了 QQ:576522239 入籍的心情不知道该怎么形容,好像熬了这么几年就为了这么一天,可是突然觉得要失去原来的国籍,又感到若有所失,有点茫然..... 祝大家好运吧!点击展开...

回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难谢谢楼主分享,请问题型是问答还是选择题(多项选择还是单项选择)?点击展开...全部单项选择.

故乡的太阳最红,故乡的水最甜,故乡的人最亲!回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难谢谢分享

回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难1年就考试了,这么快。好像有些人09年11月申请的还没消息呢

08年登录改专业从国内的会计读了护士13年1月在加拿大某医院开始做护士回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难谢谢分享

回复: 今天参加入籍考试-有点难多谢lz的共享

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