加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2011.02考试题


1 Province is Canada’s largest producer of Main producer of Pulp and Paper hydroelectricity: 2Register of Electors Contains3How do you vote?4What is meaning of the Canadian coat of arms and motto sea to sea.这个最好去书上看看,答案不在网络里。好像是从ATLANTIC OCEAN TO PACIFIC5 On the general election day, when you vote who do you vote 6What is significance of remembrance day? Remembrance Day commemorates Canadians who died in the First and Second World Wars and the Korean War7what presumption of innocence? everybody is presumed to be innocent until proven8what is the capital of canada?9how are members of parliament chosenMembers of Parliament are elected by the people in their area or Constituency10 how the government form after an election? the party which win the most seats in house of commons become the party in power11Which is the northeastern province in Canada that has its own time zone? Newfoundland & Labrador12How does a bill become a law ?To become law, a bill must be approved by majorities in the House of Commons and in the Senate. Once a majority of MPs and Senators has approved the bill, the Governor General gives final approval and the bill becomes law13In 1980, Terry Fox, began a cross-country run, the “Marathon of Hope”. What was the reason behind it Raise funds for cancer research14宪法君主制的意思??15毛皮贸易的主要性?跟网络里看到的不一样,最好估计要看书了。16关于什么ARMED FORCE的,说有多少个?a 11100 b 4400c 忘记d 什么都不是17女皇和宪法君主制的关系???其他的忘记了。本人2011年2月份考的 现在还没收到信。。我都是靠网络的试题来看,有十几道题在网络试题中,其他7.8道要好好的看书,在书上都很难找到好像,要去理解书本意思才好我朋友去包考都过了,试题和考试都一致,希望能帮助大家。。

回复: 2011.02考试题谢谢了!

回复: 2011.02考试题我朋友说东方广场一楼有个易通入籍包考,希望能给大家有帮助。。

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