加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问孩子可以单独入籍吗
是这样,考虑到我可能还要回去工作一段时间,签证麻烦,所以考虑暂时不入籍,到时可以先单独给孩子入籍吗?另外如果孩子单独入籍后,随父母在国内住还需要每半年签证一次吗? 谢谢过来人指教!
回复: 请问孩子可以单独入籍吗未满18周岁的孩子不能单独入籍,只能随大人.
2010.10.29.----登陆多伦多皮尔逊机场2010.11.27.----枫叶卡------------------------------------------------老婆的博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/maggiecanada回复: 请问孩子可以单独入籍吗可以单独入籍,但父母必须有一方是公民。而且小孩是永久居民身份You must be at least 18 years old to apply for Canadian citizenship.To apply for citizenship for a child under 18, make sure the following conditions are met:1. the person applying is the child's parent, adoptive parent or legal guardian 2. the child is a permanent resident, but does not need to have lived in Canada for three years; and 3. one parent is already a Canadian citizen or is applying to become a citizen at the same time. This also applies to adoptive parents.
回复: 请问孩子可以单独入籍吗可以单独入籍,但父母必须有一方是公民。而且小孩是永久居民身份You must be at least 18 years old to apply for Canadian citizenship.To apply for citizenship for a child under 18, make sure the following conditions are met: 1. the person applying is the child's parent, adoptive parent or legal guardian 2. the child is a permanent resident, but does not need to have lived in Canada for three years; and 3. one parent is already a Canadian citizen or is applying to become a citizen at the same time. This also applies to adoptive parents.点击展开...没错,LS的解释更精确.但你没针对LZ的提问来回答
2010.10.29.----登陆多伦多皮尔逊机场2010.11.27.----枫叶卡------------------------------------------------老婆的博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/maggiecanada回复: 请问孩子可以单独入籍吗LS,LS的LS已经回答了,看红字,要不就是父母一起申请,要不就是由已经是公民的那方来申请,所以只能父母中必须有一个是公民来申请单独入籍
回复: 请问孩子可以单独入籍吗那如果父母是移民,孩子出生在加拿大,孩子能否单独入籍呢?
回复: 请问孩子可以单独入籍吗如果父母还是永久居民, 在加拿大出生的孩子, 是不是自动是加拿大国籍? 还是是加拿大的永久居民?
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