如果与加拿大的海外独资公司签了本地的(如:中国)雇佣合同,是不是不用在5年内在加拿大待满3年, 而取得加拿大公民。
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 赏 反馈:1人 2005-09-21#5 L
下雨天 说:你说的这种情况可以抵你做永久居民的时间,不能抵你当公民的时间,也就是可以算你和你的配偶5年呆够2年,而保留永久居民身份,但是根据新法规定,要当公民是要在加拿大本土4年呆够3年的点击展开...厉害。佩服。
弹指一挥间你说的这种情况可以抵你做永久居民的时间,不能抵你当公民的时间,也就是可以算你和你的配偶5年呆够2年,而保留永久居民身份,但是根据新法规定,要当公民是要在加拿大本土4年呆够3年的点击展开...收到!和我同律师咨询的结果一样。谢谢,加声望!把结果再告知其他有同样疑惑的兄弟姐妹:永久永久居民身份(枫叶卡)每5年要renew一遍,要得到新的renew,必须保证前1个5年在加拿大呆够2年(或被加拿大的公司派驻海外工作2年)。 如果要入籍,则必须在加拿大呆满3年(5年或4年之内???)。就算被加拿大的公司派驻海外工作也不行。
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791收到!和我同律师咨询的结果一样。谢谢,加声望!把结果再告知其他有同样疑惑的兄弟姐妹:永久永久居民身份(枫叶卡)每5年要renew一遍,要得到新的renew,必须保证前1个5年在加拿大呆够2年(或被加拿大的公司派驻海外工作2年)。 如果要入籍,则必须在加拿大呆满3年(5年或4年之内???)。就算被加拿大的公司派驻海外工作也不行。 点击展开...如果要入籍必须四年呆满三年,从你申请那天往回数4年里呆满3年
赏 你说的这种情况可以抵你做永久居民的时间,不能抵你当公民的时间,也就是可以算你和你的配偶5年呆够2年,而保留永久居民身份,但是根据新法规定,要当公民是要在加拿大本土4年呆够3年的点击展开... 在妻子在拿到公民身份前,丈夫先保住永久居民身份,妻子拿到公民身份后,回中国陪丈夫的时间能否算做丈夫呆在加的时间,也就是说一方入籍后如果夫妻无论在哪儿只要是呆在一起,三年后是否也意味着另一方也可入籍了?好多人这样说,但我不敢肯定,谁能给我一个肯定的回复,先谢谢了!
amygao 说:在妻子在拿到公民身份前,丈夫先保住永久居民身份,妻子拿到公民身份后,回中国陪丈夫的时间能否算做丈夫呆在加的时间,也就是说一方入籍后如果夫妻无论在哪儿只要是呆在一起,三年后是否也意味着另一方也可入籍了?好多人这样说,但我不敢肯定,谁能给我一个肯定的回复,先谢谢了!点击展开...Permanent Residency ObligationsHere is what you must do to comply with your residency obligations.You must accumulate two years of physical presence in Canada in every five-year period. You can also count Canadian residency days if you are outside Canada for an extended period of time for one of the following reasons:You are accompanying your Canadian-citizen spouse or common-law partner. You are a child accompanying a Canadian-citizen parent. You are employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business, the Public Service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province. You are accompanying your permanent resident spouse or common-law partner who is also outside Canada and who is employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business, the Public Service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province. You are a child accompanying a permanent resident parent who is outside Canada and employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business, the Public Service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province. Please note that you are complying with your residency obligations only if:your accompanying permanent-resident spouse, common-law partner or parent is complying with their residency obligations; and you ordinarily reside with your accompanying Canadian-citizen or permanent-resident spouse, common-law partner or parent. A child is someone under the age of 22 who has never been married or in a common-law relationship.Returning Resident PermitIf you became a permanent resident of Canada before June 28, 2002 you may still be the holder of a Returning Resident Permit issued to you under the previous legislation.Under the transitional provisions, if you are a permanent resident who is in possession of a Returning Resident Permit, you will be able to count time spent outside Canada towards satisfying your residency obligations. The time period covered by the Returning Resident Permit must apply to the period being examined.Failure to Comply with Residency ObligationsYou may lose your permanent resident status if you fail to comply with your residency obligations.It is up to you to provide all required information and to provide evidence of your compliance with these obligations.What is a Canadian Business?Canadian BusinessOnly some businesses qualify as a Canadian business for the purpose of satisfying your residency obligations. To qualify as a Canadian business, the business must fulfil one of these three definitions:The business is incorporated under Canadian or provincial laws and has an ongoing operation in Canada. The business is an enterprise, other than a corporation described above, that has an ongoing operation in Canada and satisfies the following conditions: It is capable of generating revenue and is carried on in anticipation of profit; and Canadian citizens, permanent residents or Canadian businesses as defined above hold a majority of voting or ownership interests. The business is an organization or enterprise created by the laws of Canada or by the laws of a province of Canada. Excluded businesses:An enterprise, corporation or organization is not a Canadian business if it exists primarily to allow permanent residents to comply with their residency obligations during a stay outside Canada.Qualifying Employment outside CanadaThe term “employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the public service of Canada” means:you are an employee of, or under contract to provide services to, either a Canadian business, the public service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province; and you are assigned as a term of your employment or contract on a full-time basis to either: a position outside Canada; an affiliated enterprise outside Canada; or a client of the Canadian business or the public service outside Canada.
loumbsoc, 谢谢您的回复!但我的英文不是很好,我的理解就是配偶一方入籍后,陪另一方在加以外的地方居住只能保留他的永久居民的身份,是吗?
amygao 说:loumbsoc, 谢谢您的回复!但我的英文不是很好,我的理解就是配偶一方入籍后,陪另一方在加以外的地方居住只能保留他的永久居民的身份,是吗?点击展开...是的.只能算保留永久居民的身份的时间,不能算入籍的时间.
loumbsoc 说:像我这样的为加拿大的海外独资公司工作,必须有加拿大母公司人事的证明:此人为加拿大的公司工作,由于工作需要被派往中国的投资公司工作,并由于成本中心的原因,此人的工资由中国的投资公司负责支付。云云,大概的意思如此。 此证明在renew枫叶卡的时候(5年后)出示给移民局renew下1个5年有效的枫叶卡。点击展开...好象不能是自雇的公司.不过移民官做事非常人性的,有个朋友被叫到移民局问话了两次,原以为会取消枫叶卡,但还是给放了一马,福大啊!
下雨天 说:你说的这种情况可以抵你做永久居民的时间,不能抵你当公民的时间,也就是可以算你和你的配偶5年呆够2年,而保留永久居民身份,但是根据新法规定,要当公民是要在加拿大本土4年呆够3年的点击展开...新时代,新人,新气象,新的两个凡是: 凡是下雨天说的,都是正确的 凡是下雨天说的,童子们照办就是了
老曹 说:新时代,新人,新气象,新的两个凡是: 凡是下雨天说的,都是正确的 凡是下雨天说的,童子们照办就是了点击展开...凡是老曹的帖子,看清楚了再跟
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