加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问换枫叶卡要等么?
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?有那位老大知道,换枫叶卡,具体是什么手续?旧卡交上去,新卡是寄给本人,还是需要本人亲自去领?谢谢!点击展开...目前情况, 申请新卡需要人在加拿大, 旧卡要上缴. 递交申请后人可以离开加拿大. 办卡大约2个月, 需要本人在加拿大境内领取.
http://www.canadameet.com目前情况, 申请新卡需要人在加拿大, 旧卡要上缴. 递交申请后人可以离开加拿大. 办卡大约2个月, 需要本人在加拿大境内领取.点击展开...谢谢new_mic!不过,如果旧卡交上去了,出境之后再入境,用什么证件呢?不是没有枫叶卡的话不能入境么?
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?你如果没有其他办法回加拿大,可以花$50办一个通行证,呵呵,不过要是被拒绝就比较麻烦了。Travel document(3) A permanent resident outside Canada who is not in possession of a status document indicating permanent resident status shall, following an examination, be issued a travel document if an officer is satisfied that (a) they comply with the residency obligation under section 28;(b) an officer has made the determination referred to in paragraph 28(2)(c); or(c) they were physically present in Canada at least once within the 365 days before the examination and they have made an appeal under subsection 63(4) that has not been finally determined or the period for making such an appeal has not yet expired.
http://www.canadameet.com你如果没有其他办法回加拿大,可以花$50办一个通行证,呵呵,不过要是被拒绝就比较麻烦了。 Travel document (3) A permanent resident outside Canada who is not in possession of a status document indicating permanent resident status shall, following an examination, be issued a travel document if an officer is satisfied that (a) they comply with the residency obligation under section 28; (b) an officer has made the determination referred to in paragraph 28(2)(c); or (c) they were physically present in Canada at least once within the 365 days before the examination and they have made an appeal under subsection 63(4) that has not been finally determined or the period for making such an appeal has not yet expired.点击展开...谢谢,你真是专家!
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?谢谢如果不想花$50,还有一个办法可以试试看,据加拿大官方网站上说,开车去加拿大不需要枫叶卡。17. Do I require a PR card if I’m returning to Canada by car?The PR card is required to re-enter Canada by commercial carrier (airplane, boat, train or bus) only. This requirement does not apply if you are travelling by private vehicle.Pasted from <http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pr-card/prc-issues.html>
http://www.canadameet.com谢谢 如果不想花$50,还有一个办法可以试试看,据加拿大官方网站上说,开车去加拿大不需要枫叶卡。 17. Do I require a PR card if I’m returning to Canada by car?The PR card is required to re-enter Canada by commercial carrier (airplane, boat, train or bus) only. This requirement does not apply if you are travelling by private vehicle. Pasted from <http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pr-card/prc-issues.html>点击展开...New-Mic,谢谢你的热心!不过,如果开车入境,官员不看枫叶卡,是不是也要看其他证件呢?除了枫叶卡,我现在只有护照啊。
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?你如果没有其他办法回加拿大,可以花$50办一个通行证,呵呵,不过要是被拒绝就比较麻烦了。 Travel document (3) A permanent resident outside Canada who is not in possession of a status document indicating permanent resident status shall, following an examination, be issued a travel document if an officer is satisfied that (a) they comply with the residency obligation under section 28; (b) an officer has made the determination referred to in paragraph 28(2)(c); or (c) they were physically present in Canada at least once within the 365 days before the examination and they have made an appeal under subsection 63(4) that has not been finally determined or the period for making such an appeal has not yet expired.点击展开...有人交了新卡再申请"旅行文件"入境的吗? 分享一下啊! 我正想这么做呢, 回头作着可以交流信息但现在需要先人指点.
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?有那位老大知道,换枫叶卡,具体是什么手续?旧卡交上去,新卡是寄给本人,还是需要本人亲自去领?谢谢!点击展开... JC 你啥时要换啊?
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么? JC 你啥时要换啊?点击展开...千山,我年底啊,你呢?
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?千山,我年底啊,你呢?点击展开...JC 好未雨绸缪啊! 向你学习, 等我的经验吧! 我下月得换, 八月份就到期了!
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?好,等你消息!并祝你成功!
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?JC, 千山 我也是不可以在加逗留长时间,也要travel document回加拿卡。 你们有什么宝贵经验,请告诉小弟一声 谢谢
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?JC, 千山 我也是不可以在加逗留长时间,也要travel document回加拿卡。 你们有什么宝贵经验,请告诉小弟一声 谢谢点击展开...好滴! 我这就过去递申请, 有进展分享大家!
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?好滴! 我这就过去递申请, 有进展分享大家!点击展开...Ding......严重关注千山的进程,新卡出来了吗?好像已经有8周了......请问我在中国填好申请表后由加拿大的朋友在加境内让家庭医生在照片上签名后帮把旧卡和申请表寄给CIC申请新卡,可以的吗?
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?Ding......严重关注千山的进程,新卡出来了吗?好像已经有8周了......请问我在中国填好申请表后由加拿大的朋友在加境内让家庭医生在照片上签名后帮把旧卡和申请表寄给CIC申请新卡,可以的吗?点击展开...好像没有家庭医生会这么干的吧。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?申请表上不是要由一位加拿大的执业人士签名的吗? 找家庭医生不是最快吗? 你有什么好法子, 不妨告知. 谢谢!
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?我是六月底递的表格和材料换卡,但到现在还没音讯,打过两次电话查询过,两次的回答都不一样,晕........很多朋友劝我不要再打了,但我这样干等总不是办法,已经两个半月了,一点消息也没,有哪位朋友可以分享一下经验,谢谢!
回复: 请问换枫叶卡要等么?申请表上不是要由一位加拿大的执业人士签名的吗? 找家庭医生不是最快吗? 你有什么好法子, 不妨告知. 谢谢!点击展开...必须亲自去找家庭医生或者其他什么人帮你签字,人不在不行。
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