加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民换新pr卡可邮寄到你家



回复: 换新pr卡可邮寄到你家楼上这是真的吗?你从哪看来的消息啊?我正愁着什么时候递换卡的申请,能不能但上8月份回来的领卡呢,要是不用自己领那就太好了。

回复: 换新pr卡可邮寄到你家试行1年,从4月30日开始

回复: 换新pr卡可邮寄到你家为什么cic网上没有显示相关信息啊?4月30日起,递的换卡申请都采用邮寄还是4月30日前还没有收到枫叶卡的都采用邮寄啊?

回复: 换新pr卡可邮寄到你家Notice Permanent Resident (PR) Card direct mail-out pilot projectCitizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is launching a pilot project as part of its overall modernization agenda to streamline procedures and improve services to newcomers.Effective April 30, 2012, the vast majority of permanent residents who apply for Permanent Resident (PR) cards will no longer need to visit a CIC office and will instead receive the card by mail.On average, CIC issues about 150,000 PR cards of this type. Newly landed permanent residents do not need to apply for a PR card since it is directly mailed to them. The card must be renewed every 5 years.Mailing PR cards directly to applicants is expected to decrease wait times by up to four weeks. Direct mail-out of PR cards will also reduce the burden on permanent residents who, otherwise, might have to travel some distance to their local CIC office to pick up their card. While the majority of PR cards will be mailed directly to applicants after April 30, 2012, a select number of PR cards will still need to be picked up by applicants at local CIC offices. This will allow the Department to gather information for analysis and continuous improvement. CIC will also continue to refer PR card applications to local offices to assess compliance with program requirements where warranted.Under this pilot project, PR card applications that meet the urgent criteria will still be streamlined and processed on a priority basis. Upon issuance of a new PR card, CIC will invalidate the previous PR card to ensure that old cards cannot be used. Permanent residents must destroy their old card upon receiving their new PR card as it will not be valid and can no longer be used for travel or proof of status. This direct mail-out project is being proposed as a pilot and will be evaluated after one year.

回复: 换新pr卡可邮寄到你家http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/notice-prcard-mail.asp应该是从4月30日开始,大部分的pr卡都会直接寄到家里

回复: 换新pr卡可邮寄到你家good news.

回复: 换新pr卡可邮寄到你家原来计划回加停留2个月换新卡,拿到新卡后再回中国。这么一来,买个7天往返的就行了。等新卡寄到后,由朋友再寄回国。 大家帮分析一下,这么办有什么不妥吗?

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