加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民补办枫叶卡, 网上显示DM, 什么时候能收到取卡信
网上查了状态We received your application for a permanent resident card on May 18, 2012. We started processing your application on May 28, 2012. Your request for a permanent resident card was approved on June 28, 2012. You will be notified by mail within four weeks and invited to pick up your card at the CIC office closest to you.我查了下, 好像普遍approved后都超过4周才收到取卡信, 如果发传真加急,大概多久能拿到取卡信?更新: 网上显示aprroved, 我打电话去cic本来想问取卡信寄出了没, 结果说application still in process. 哪个才是准确的啊? 为什么不一样呢?
回复: 补办枫叶卡, 网上显示DM, 什么时候能收到取卡信?可快可慢,没一定的。。。。。。
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