加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民对以下求教语言要求的解释
求助,我现在比较迷惑以下教育要求,我的问题是我只在LINC和ESL待过半年而且跳过好几个班,有的班待的时间很短,他说ESL可以不必提交出勤证明,但是上过好几个LINC班我是不是必须把上课记录都准备给他们?还是没关系不必准备?望指教!谢谢4. Education RecordsProvide photocopies of all your official education records if you attended an educational institution in the four (4) years immediately before the date of your application. Official education records are:report cards; ortranscripts; orattendance recordsThe education records must cover each calendar year, if applicable. It is sufficient to submit one official education document per calendar year of schooling during the relevant four (4) year period.Note: You are not required to submit proof of attendance at English/French as a second language training programs.原文来自http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/CIT0002ETOC.asp
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