加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民入籍 关于fees的问题
如果去银行交 title应该写 pay给谁啊 CIC?网上交的话 会有收据吗?
citizenship and immigration canada。 我去华人中心,他们给我一张一式三份的纸,形式象支票一样。额头是这样。你可以问你当地的中心看他们有没有,或直接问银行怎么付。
找到了,是这个 IMM 5401 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/result.asp?lob=wp&canada=inside&cat=Temporary+ResidenceIf you cannot or do not want to pay online, you must get an original receipt of payment form IMM 5401 to pay at a financial institution (such as a bank or Western Union). This form is not available online. You must order an original receipt by mail.
darcyvent 说:找到了,是这个 IMM 5401 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/result.asp?lob=wp&canada=inside&cat=Temporary ResidenceIf you cannot or do not want to pay online, you must get an original receipt of payment form IMM 5401 to pay at a financial institution (such as a bank or Western Union). This form is not available online. You must order an original receipt by mail.点击展开...谢谢
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