加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教:枫叶卡Renewal,CIC网上显示的状态不见了
如题。有童鞋遇到过的相同的状况吗?是否是网站出了技术问题,还是其他什么情况?2015年1月22日CIC网上显示:1-2014年9月8日收到申请;2-2015年1月20日开始处理。可这两天就什么也查不到了,目前显示的信息是:We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed: Application Processing TimesAt this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:sponsored a member of the family class;applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;applied for a permanent resident card (replacement or renewal);applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);applied for Canadian citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (on or after January 1, 1947);applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; orapplied to resume Canadian citizenship.
楼主,你护照的章是自己翻译还是找机构翻译的 ?
raymond123456 说:楼主,你护照的章是自己翻译还是找机构翻译的 ?点击展开...我自己翻译的
lizhl2000 说:我自己翻译的点击展开...ok,谢谢!
Vancouver landing 说:说不定是已经处理完毕,寄卡给你了。我一朋友加急renew,周五cic签收,下周五就收到新卡,堪称火箭速度点击展开...谢谢回复。如果是你说的结果当然好,总感觉不会这么快就发卡。
加急其实蛮快的 ,大约十天就会直接到家
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ME后08.12.15变7 | 09.1.23变12 | 7.15变13 | 7.20 CIC DM | 7.23变17 | 7.24收到大信封毕业谢谢回复。如果是你说的结果当然好,总感觉不会这么快就发卡。点击展开...只要资料完备,加急很快的。他的case,周五签收,周一处理,周三寄卡,周五收到,自己都傻眼了
lizhl2000 说:如题。有童鞋遇到过的相同的状况吗?是否是网站出了技术问题,还是其他什么情况?2015年1月22日CIC网上显示:1-2014年9月8日收到申请;2-2015年1月20日开始处理。可这两天就什么也查不到了,目前显示的信息是:We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed:Application Processing TimesAt this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:sponsored a member of the family class;applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;applied for a permanent resident card (replacement or renewal);applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);applied for Canadian citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (on or after January 1, 1947);applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; orapplied to resume Canadian citizenship.点击展开...我今天在中侨查询的,可以看到啊? 砸门是一批的。我是9月3号收件,一月16号处理的,我收到一封delay的信请问你有收到这封信吗/ ?我住两年还多三个月
zlpcanadameet 说:我今天在中侨查询的,可以看到啊? 砸门是一批的。我是9月3号收件,一月16号处理的,我收到一封delay的信请问你有收到这封信吗/ ?我住两年还多三个月点击展开...我们目前没有收到这封信,但是网上状态还是没恢复,担心会不会是材料不齐被退回来了。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ME后08.12.15变7 | 09.1.23变12 | 7.15变13 | 7.20 CIC DM | 7.23变17 | 7.24收到大信封毕业如题。有童鞋遇到过的相同的状况吗?是否是网站出了技术问题,还是其他什么情况?2015年1月22日CIC网上显示:1-2014年9月8日收到申请;2-2015年1月20日开始处理。可这两天就什么也查不到了,目前显示的信息是:We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed:Application Processing TimesAt this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:sponsored a member of the family class;applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;applied for a permanent resident card (replacement or renewal);applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);applied for Canadian citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (on or after January 1, 1947);applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; orapplied to resume Canadian citizenship.点击展开...请问楼主,有什么进展吗?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ME后08.12.15变7 | 09.1.23变12 | 7.15变13 | 7.20 CIC DM | 7.23变17 | 7.24收到大信封毕业我们目前没有收到这封信,但是网上状态还是没恢复,担心会不会是材料不齐被退回来了。点击展开...我昨天晚上也查不到了,没信是好事,不用二审。恭喜,收到卡啃一声,谢谢!我准备加急了不过in proesess 状态不知能加急否。
olivert 说:请问楼主,有什么进展吗?点击展开...无进展,等待ING
Vancouver landing 说:只要资料完备,加急很快的。他的case,周五签收,周一处理,周三寄卡,周五收到,自己都傻眼了点击展开...请问他是在 in prosess 状态时用机票加急的吗?
zlpcanadameet 说:请问他是在 in prosess 状态时用机票加急的吗?点击展开...对啊,3月份的机票。cic网站上有详细的机票要求
大家有更新的进展吗?根据下面的条件You may use this form if:Your application has exceeded normal processing times. We will not respond if your application is within normal processing times.打算通过Case Specific Enquiry(https://secure.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/canada-case-cas-eng.aspx?_ga=1.185901674.2102507415.1422185202)问一下。
今天又能查到了IN PROCESS9月11号签收,1月21号开始处理
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