刚好50贴,正好可以sw回复大家的帮助。(以前的一定补上) 很困惑, 希望大家能够出出主意,这对我太重要了。。。。拜托 : 找来找去 能查到最适合我的应该是noc 2141 industry and manufacturing enigineer 了。 但是 我很困惑的是: example titles 里面有很符合的quality control/quality assurance, 但是main duties 描述中 几乎没有quality 相关工作的描述。( 据说定位的职业应该和noc 中duty描述大部分一致。) 附: 我现在的工作的是出口产品的质量检验,就是根据国外的产品质量标准来检验国内工厂的出口产品质量。俗称的出口的消费产品(电动工具,手工具什么的)的验货员(公司内部叫quality engineer ,合同上也是这样称谓) 2141 的链接:http://www23.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/2001/e/groups/2141.shtml
不要忘记加我声望啊 圣诞快乐FN 06年11月份ME 10年10月 主申请的ME 11年6月 妻女的
赏 2005-12-26#2 C 128 $0.00 偶觉得关键是MAIN DUTY符合而不是名字符合,楼住的工作听起来跟MANUFACTURING ENGINEER没什么关系,应该是算QC,找找看有没有 QUALITY CHECK或者QUALITY CONTROL方面的职位定义。
2005.10.15 IELTS (7,7,7.5, 6)2006.2.8 Deliver application documents via DHL to HK office2006.3.28 FN, VO: TCWCompletely DIYNow waiting....................
赏 2005-12-26#3

10,071 $0.00 你职业定位就是2141中的2141 CIM (computer integrated manufacturing) engineer2141 computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) engineer 2141 consulting industrial engineer 2141 cost engineer 2141 efficiency engineer 2141 engineer, computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) 2141 engineer, manufacturing 2141 fire prevention engineer 2141 industrial efficiency engineer 2141 industrial engineer 2141 industrial safety engineer 2141 manufacturing engineer 2141 methods engineer 2141 plant engineer 2141 production engineer 2141 QA (quality assurance) engineer 2141 quality assurance (QA) engineer 2141 quality control engineer 2141 safety engineer2141 systems engineer - manufacturing2141 time-study engineer2141 work measurement engineer你的职责适下面的内容conduct supervise programs to achieve the best use of the best use of equipment, human resources, technology, materials and procedures to enhance efficiency and productivity.
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生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题