加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民快变法了.工作经历不够一年能发FN 么?


到七八月份才够一年的工作经历.但是其他资料都全的.四月份递交可以得到档案号么????? 求助ing!!!!


20060712 DHL递料HK;20060713 签收20060721 退料;20060731 收到退料20060801 DHL再次递料HK;20060803 HK再次签收20060814 HK汇票划款20061017 FN(VO:WCY)主要看你的分数了。LZ有“变法的最新消息”么?点击展开...金东方告诉我三个月就要变.:(



2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 2006-02-22#6 蒙蒙牛
8,603 $0.00 我们大家记住金东方的这个预言,看3个月后变吗?



蒙蒙牛 说:没有连续1年工作经历,会被直接拒签的,无论你的分数有多高.点击展开...你肯定么?


maplebenben 说:你肯定么?点击展开...您可以去查CIC的网,去看移民法

蒙蒙牛 说:没有连续1年工作经历,会被直接拒签的,无论你的分数有多高.点击展开...被直接拒签到无所谓,但是可以拿到FN么?

蒙蒙牛 说:您可以去查CIC的网,去看移民法点击展开...直接被拒了那还有可能再次补材料申请么?牛牛?

我转一篇东西给您看:请您看第9Reviewing the application那段Steps in immigration process8.1 Receiving the applicationWhen an application is received, the officer checks the following 6 requirements:1. IMM 0008 GEN form, signed and completed2. The visa being applied for is specified (permanent resident visa).3. The class of the application is specified (economic class - skilled worker).4. Signed statement that the information provided is completed and accurate.5. Correct application fee is paid.6. Proof of official language proficiency (test results or written submission)If the 6 requirements are met, the officer will date-stamp the application and put your application into process. If the 6 requirements are not met, the officer will return the application to the applicant. No file number is created until a complete application has been submitted.Please note no file number is yet created until the next stage even though the 6 requirements are met. At this stage, the officer simply decides whether or not to put your application into process or to return it to you. Please note what we meant by preliminary assessment during today's meeting is just an assessment of the above 6 requirements. No point assessment is done or considered at this stage. The officer will put the application into process as long as the 6 requirements are met whether or not the applicant has 67 points. In other words, as long as the 6 requirements are met, the application will not be returned. So I think the chance we have the applications returned without a file number is very minimal. We just have to make sure the application is complete. 8.2 Putting an application into processOnce your application is date-stamped, the officer goes on to check if the information and documents required have been submitted. If they are, a file will be opened with a file number, acknowledge letter is sent out to the applicant, and the officer proceeds to reviewing the application. If they are not, a file will still be created but the officer sends a letter to the applicant outlining what documents are required but missing. No further processing will be done until all supporting documents have been submitted. At this stage, still no assessment on the points yet. Basically, the officer is just making sure they have all the documents required to assess your application. 9. Reviewing the applicationAt this stage, the officer starts to review your application if all the required information and documents have been submitted. The minimal requirements of work experience and settlement funds are reviewed first. If the 2 minimal requirements are met, the officer proceeds to assessing the 6 selection criteria which are used to calculate the number of points the applicant has.If the 2 minimal requirements are not met, the officer refuses the application. The officer may also ask the applicant to address any concerns the officer has before making the decision. 10. Assessing the applicationOnce the 2 minimal requirements are met, the officer proceeds to assessing the application at this stage. So the point assessment actually occurs at this stage. 11. Determining eligibilityIf the applicant's total point is greater the pass mark of 67, the officer may either approve the application or exercise the negative substituted evaluation to reject the application.If the applicant's total point is less than the pass mark, the office may either refuse the application or exercise the positive substituted evaluation to approve the application.The officer may request further information or documents to clarify or consider an interview. 12. Approving applications13. Refusing applications After taking everything into consideration, the officer will decide to approve or refuse the application.


Tree New Bee​​ 2006-02-22#16 点点 6,594 $0.00 拒了怎么还能补料啊,只有在被拒之前补。

maplebenben 说:直接被拒了那还有可能再次补材料申朊?牛牛?点击展开...因为这个被拒绝很可惜的,拒绝了还怎么能再补料呢??您等满了1年再递,不就可以了吗?您不要去听信某些中介的传言.

蒙蒙牛 说:我转一篇东西给您看:请您看第9Reviewing the application那段Steps in immigration process8.1 Receiving the applicationWhen an application is received, the officer checks the following 6 requirements:1. IMM 0008 GEN form, signed and completed2. The visa being applied for is specified (permanent resident visa).3. The class of the application is specified (economic class - skilled worker).4. Signed statement that the information provided is completed and accurate.5. Correct application fee is paid.6. Proof of official language proficiency (test results or written submission) If the 6 requirements are met, the officer will date-stamp the application and put your application into process. If the 6 requirements are not met, the officer will return the application to the applicant. No file number is created until a complete application has been submitted. Please note no file number is yet created until the next stage even though the 6 requirements are met. At this stage, the officer simply decides whether or not to put your application into process or to return it to you. Please note what we meant by preliminary assessment during today's meeting is just an assessment of the above 6 requirements. No point assessment is done or considered at this stage. The officer will put the application into process as long as the 6 requirements are met whether or not the applicant has 67 points. In other words, as long as the 6 requirements are met, the application will not be returned. So I think the chance we have the applications returned without a file number is very minimal. We just have to make sure the application is complete. 8.2 Putting an application into processOnce your application is date-stamped, the officer goes on to check if the information and documents required have been submitted. If they are, a file will be opened with a file number, acknowledge letter is sent out to the applicant, and the officer proceeds to reviewing the application. If they are not, a file will still be created but the officer sends a letter to the applicant outlining what documents are required but missing. No further processing will be done until all supporting documents have been submitted. At this stage, still no assessment on the points yet. Basically, the officer is just making sure they have all the documents required to assess your application. 9. Reviewing the applicationAt this stage, the officer starts to review your application if all the required information and documents have been submitted. The minimal requirements of work experience and settlement funds are reviewed first. If the 2 minimal requirements are met, the officer proceeds to assessing the 6 selection criteria which are used to calculate the number of points the applicant has.If the 2 minimal requirements are not met, the officer refuses the application. The officer may also ask the applicant to address any concerns the officer has before making the decision. 10. Assessing the applicationOnce the 2 minimal requirements are met, the officer proceeds to assessing the application at this stage. So the point assessment actually occurs at this stage. 11. Determining eligibilityIf the applicant's total point is greater the pass mark of 67, the officer may either approve the application or exercise the negative substituted evaluation to reject the application.If the applicant's total point is less than the pass mark, the office may either refuse the application or exercise the positive substituted evaluation to approve the application.The officer may request further information or documents to clarify or consider an interview. 12. Approving applications 13. Refusing applications After taking everything into consideration, the officer will decide to approve or refuse the application.点击展开...给我的感觉是我现在递交可以拿到FN,但是容易被拒签.如果被拒签了.是因为工作经历不够,还可以再补材料重新审批么?

maplebenben 说:给我的感觉是我现在递交可以拿到FN,但是容易被拒签.如果被拒签了.是因为工作经历不够,还可以再补材料重新审批么?点击展开...I 服了YOU,已经被拒签了是不具备补料的资格的,想重新得到审批就要重新申请大家说的都没有骗你,不过你要实在不信可以试一下,真行的话一定上来通报一下啊,也算是家园第一例了!!!

Tree New Bee​​ 2006-02-22#20 F 192 $0.00 佩服楼主的理解能力

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