Unborn tomorrow and dead yesterday, why fret about them if today be sweet 赏 2006-03-01#3

[FONT=楷体]蚊子虽小~[/FONT][FONT=楷体]吃得也少~[/FONT][FONT=楷体]咬你一宿~[/FONT][FONT=楷体]立马疯掉~[/FONT] 赏 2006-03-02#4 H 1,067 $0.00 EDUCATION/TRAINING/QUALIFICATIONS “For you and your spouse or common-law partner:S post-secondary education documents: vocational or technical certificates or diplomasS CADGEDC credentials report(s) for college or university documents (PRC residents):• CADGEDC credentials report(s) to certify completion and authenticity of graduation degree,diploma, or certificate issued by the college or university and the evaluation committee in China(please refer to the instructions for obtaining CADGEDC credentials reports in Appendix E)• notarial certificate of each degree, diploma, or certificate issued by the college or university andthe evaluation committee in ChinaS college or university documents (residents of HKSAR, Macao and other countries):notarization/certification of completion and graduation degree, diploma, or certificate issued by thecollege or universityS transcripts: original transcripts of all degrees must be submitted in university-sealed envelopesS professional qualifications certificates: notarized professional qualification certificates should besubmitted if available (e.g. Engineer, Computer Programmer, Accountant, Economist,Translator/Interpreter, Architect etc.)S proof of previous study in Canada (if applicable): documentary proof of completion of a program offull-time study of at least two years’ duration at a post-secondary institution in Canada, after the age of17 together with photocopies of the student authorizations/study permits issued to you
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