加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民一个加拿大移民律师给我的邮件
一个自称是加拿大移民律师(是加拿大人,但是因为刚认识也不知道底细)的,听说我委托中介办理了技术移民手续,他发了一个邮件给我,要我注意一下事项,有经验的筒子请谈谈感想: <LI style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">First, you should ask your consultant to give you a copy of the “application forms” that you should had completed and SIGN (did you sign any forms yet?). These forms look like the one located at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/skilled.html. There should be NO reason for them to refuse you this. <LI style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Because your application was prepared by a consultant, among your forms there should be one called “use of a representative or IMM5474. A copy of such form can be find and download at http://www.beijing.gc.ca/templates/documents/IMM5476E.pdf <LI style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">You should see on that form the name of the Canadian consultant and this person (not the company) should be a member of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultant. To verify if he is a member of that organization, go to: https://www.csic-scci.ca/eis_Reports/clients/csic/extranetwebforms/csicmembershiplist.aspx?lang=E&RegStatus=CT If his name does not figure there, there is a problem. Your consultant firm has NO reason to refuse to give you a copy of that form. If it’s a lawyer who appears on that form, ask your consultant from which Province this lawyer come from and to which lawyer’s association is he a member. If you did fill up these forms and if you signed them and provided the document required, if your consultant is listed with the CSIC, there should be no problem.
10.18.10: 短登温哥华03.29.11:长登温哥华 赏 2006-03-09#3 E 259 $0.00 我覺得這些都是合理的要求.... 中介是應該提供的.....
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