加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民[分享]加拿大朋友的信--让我感受到另一个移民的


跟大家分享一封一位快80高龄的加拿大朋友的来信:) 老人家对生活的热爱让我感慨,对生活的激情让我羡慕!也让我更加渴望移民! My Dear M,What a pleasant surprise to receive your e-mail this afternoon! We are so happy to receive it and learn of your planned emigration to Canada. Almost all day I have been doing some self study of Statistics without making a great deal of progress. A little later I will tell you the reason I'm doing this. Anyway, I decided it was time to do something else before I'm permanently cross-eyed from staring at formulas, to say nothing about applying them. So I went down from my office, talked to J a bit before she left to do some shopping and then came up to my office again to do preparation for the study I have to lead on Friday. Checking my e-mail in box first brought me your welcome letter. So before I do any work, I just had to respond. Interestingly, just this morning you were on my mind and I decided to give another try at contacting you. Things continue to go well with us. In spite of the fact it will be soon eight years since we said "Good-bye" in China, although I am definitely that much older, I really don't feel it. I still exercise each morning. Although I have to admit I no longer run continuously, but walk and jog.:)wdb20: 老人家以前在这里的时候也天天早起跑步!) I mentioned about studying Statistics. Something I should have done some years ago, but didn't get around to doing until this past summer. That was to apply to the University of Waterloo for admission to a PhD program in Health Studies and Gerontology. My academic record shouldn't keep me out as I managed to be second in my class when I graduated with my Masters degree back in 1991( ), not too long before we went to China. However Math and I never were very good friends, so I avoided it during my undergraduate and Master's programs. If my admission is accepted, which I won't know until the middle of next month, I definitely have to do some Statistics courses as research requires it. As has been true of all of my other university work, I will do my PhD studies part time while we continue volunteer work with international students. These are mostly grad students, post docs and visiting scholars, practically all of whom are Chinese. At my age, I don't necessarily expect to live long enough to graduate, but I thought it would be good to keep mentally challenged as it may delay the onset of Alzheimer's! (终于明白为什么我现在记忆力越来越差了,原来我放松了对自己keep mentally challenged! )We are glad to hear of your planned emigration. Do you know where you would like to settle in our country? In what line of work would you like to enter? We feel the Kitchener and Waterloo area where we live is good area. However, these twin cities are not very large and do not have the opportunities that such cities as Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal would provide. However, we would welcome you with open arms. We will be praying that you will be able to clear all the hurdles that stand in your way(我特别喜欢这句,哈哈 ). Within that praying, it will be, that if it is best for you to come (we certainly hope that it is), the Department of Immigration will approve your application at the right time. It doesn't seem to matter what country it is, it always takes government agencies much longer than it should to do their work. This certainly, but unfortunately, includes Canada. I don't know why it should take more than nine months for them to send medical forms. Canada needs immigrants like you(更爱这句,虽然也许只是客套话,呵呵 ). One of the young couples that J and I were having studies with, although in the country, when they applied for citizenship, it still took several years. Randomly, the immigration party selects individuals with whom to do security checks. That always delays a final resolution. Eventually they did succeed. We pray that things may go smoothly and we hope it is in the will of God for you to come. (我会平静的接受移民申请的任何结果吗? )I do need to get at some other work. But, it's nice to be in touch again. Just as I'm signing off, I've been listening to music on my computer and the song now playing is "Precious Memories(我要找到这首歌:)" - how fitting as I recall your hospitality when I used to come to your apartment for studies! Have a great dayJ and J


Sweet Memories[REAL]http://media.flamesky.com/music/real/infinity/32K_REAL_INFINITY_09.WMA[/REAL]

We pray that things may go smoothly and we hope it is in the will of God for you to come我们祈祷万事顺利,同时也相信你一定可以获得成功,这是上帝的旨意!


2006-03-08#6 高&瘦 658 $0.00 We will be able to clear all the hurdles that stand in our way !up!

修合无人见,存心有天知。The journey ...may be a reward ! 2006-03-08#7 枫 286 $0.00 谢谢共享

2006-03-08#8 misssky 427 $0.00 谢谢楼主的共享。加分了。By the way, would you mind to tell us the story with the canadian friend?

20060712 DHL递料HK;20060713 签收20060721 退料;20060731 收到退料20060801 DHL再次递料HK;20060803 HK再次签收20060814 HK汇票划款20061017 FN(VO:WCY)谢谢楼主的共享。加分了。By the way, would you mind to tell us the story with the canadian friend?点击展开...呵呵 对他了解不太多,以前相处得很愉快。感觉是他是个很有毅力,很有修养的人。几年前他战胜了cancer. 而且现在也还在以很年轻的心态积极的生活。我觉得这些跟他所生活的那个国度也有关,所以我觉得这更让我向往那一方很会养人的山水:)


2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill;We pray that things may go smoothly and we hope it is in the will of God for you to come我们祈祷万事顺利,同时也相信你一定可以获得成功,这是上帝的旨意!点击展开...Thanks:)



2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 2006-03-09#14 安 137 $0.00 不知道为什么我看不到那个小短片,以前也有过类似的情况,我从来没看到过.

安心化妆品 说:不知道为什么我看不到那个小短片,以前也有过类似的情况,我从来没看到过.点击展开...那个不是小短片 是首乐曲:) 如果插入的链接是wma格式的 就会显示成这样 给人感觉好像是短片 如果插入的是mp3的曲子 就不会这样



点点 说:不晓得这位老人家长虾米样子?浮想联翩ing。点击展开...呵呵 慈眉善目 精神矍铄 。。。时光倒流几十年 也许不会输给Jake Gyllenhaal:)

剑走川锋 说:呵呵 慈眉善目 精神矍铄 。。。时光倒流几十年 也许不会输给Jake Gyllenhaal:)点击展开...简单概括就是帅哥一个?,哈哈。

mayflower 说:什么时候我能写这么长的英文信呢?每次和朋友们通信,挖空心思也不过能写2小段,还要词霸在旁伺候着。努力努力,学好英文。点击展开...举手之劳倘能助人至此,善莫大焉 (嘿嘿 不是顺便夸自己 是说老先生会感到很欣慰的:) 他确实曾经感叹过部分英语专业高年级的中国学生的作文pathetic)

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