我解释一下,我是大专毕业,配偶是技校毕业,所以没有清华认证,而且原来的学校已经没有了,我只有把他的档案里的成绩单拿去公证,并写了一封解释信关于无成绩单的密封件,不知行不行。请各位帮忙看一下。万分感谢。1. Chechlist;2. 6 photos of 2 applicants (XU Hong and LIU Zhaohui);3. 6 Address labels;4. Forms1) APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN CANADA (IMM0008)(for principal applicant)2) SCHEDULE 1: BACKGROUND DECLARATION (for principal applicant and spouse)3) SUPPLEMENT TO SCHEDULE1-BACKGROUND DECLARATION (for spouse)4) SCHEDULE 3: ECONOMIC CLASSES-FEDERAL SKILLED WORKERS (for principal applicant and spouse)5) ADDITIONAL FAMILY INFORMATION(IMM5406) (for principal applicant and spouse)5. Identity and Civil documents1) A notarized certificate of my birth2) A notarized certificate of my spouse’s birth3) A notarized certificate copy of my marriage certificate4) A notarized certificate copy of my and my spouse’s Household Register(HUKOU) 6. Supporting documents from my relative in CANADA1) A notarized certificate of my brother’s birth (my relative in Canada )2) Photocopy of Canadian Citizenship Certificate of my relative in Canada3) Proof of current resident status of my relative in Canada4) Proof of Canadian tax receipts of my relative in Canada5) Photocopy of my relative’s passport bio-data page7. Education and Training Certificates and Documents1) My CADGEDC credential report of two-year college diploma2) A notarized certificate copy of my two-year college diploma3) A notarized certificate copy of my spouse’s technical certificate 4) A notarized certificate copy of my spouse’s technical certificate transcript 5) A notarized certificate copy of my spouse’s professional qualification certificate6) An explanation letter of lack my spouse’s original transcriptof technical certificate7) A original transcript of my two-year diploma in university-sealed envelope8) Statement of the name change of Heilongjiang Commerical College8. Full-time work experience1) A reference letter from my present company with business card2) An explanation letter of lack my present employment contract 3) Two reference letters from my ex-company with business cards9. Proof of language proficiencyMy proof of language proficiency(IELTS reports)10. Settlement fundsOriginal personal certificate of deposit11. Police certificates and clearances1) A notarized certificate of my non-criminality2) A notarized certificate of my spouse non-criminality12. Fee payment1) Immigration Fee Schedule2) Method of payment form13. Other documents1) A copy of my passport2) A copy of my spouse’s passport3) A copy and translation of my ID CARDA copy and translation of my spouse’s ID CARD
赏 2006-03-24#3 232 $0.00 应该比较全了
09年8月12日长登Calgary。老公:10年1月找到专业工,10年6月进入石油公司。老婆:09年10月-10年6月英语学习,10年7月开始会计工作。 赏 2006-03-25#4 T
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