加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民4月9日DHL递料HK,11日下午签收


终于,从去年10月决定移民开始,考YS,公证,准备材料,写推荐信,填各种表格,成绩单原件,清华认证,历时五个月,终于在今天中午将材料寄给HK了。 所有的材料都没有装订,有的个别工作合同什么的是用订书针订在一起的。 先放了COVER LETTER,SELF-ASSESSMENT FORM,自己打印的CHECKLIST,然后是按CHECKLIST的顺序整理的所有的申请材料,放在一个透明的塑料信封里。 称了一下重量,竟然有2公斤,邮费加燃油税正好200元。寄完DHL,心里总是在想不会缺了什么吧,一直到下午也还没缓过劲儿来。 客户服务热线:800-810-8000 (免费) 手机用户拨打:400-810-8000 北京总部电话:64369911,地址:酒仙桥路2号Delivery address: The Consulate General of Canada Immigration SectionTower One, Exchange Square, 8 Connaugh Place Centeral, G.P.O.Box 11142, Hong KongContact person: Immigration Section Phone, Fax or E-mail: (852)2847-7452/7493

I am who I amSmall Fish, Big OceanCGA 2006-04-11#2 vivian1030 1,383 $0.00 我的CHECKLIST1. FORMS APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN CANADA A. Self-addressed mailing labels B. 6 photos of the principal applicant and the spouse SCHEDULE 1: BACKGROUND DECLARATION SUPPLEMENT TO SCHEDULE 1 ? BACKGROUND DECLARATION SCHEDULE 3: ECONOMIC CLASSES-FEDERAL SKILLED WORKERS ADDITIONAL FAMILY INFORMATION 2. IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENT Notarial certificate of birth of the principal applicant Copy of Passport and Identity Card of the principal applicant Notarial certificate of birth of the spouse Copy of Passport and Identity Card of the spouse Notarized copies of certificate of marriage Notarized copies of the family Household Register 3. DEPENDENT CHILDREN’S STATUS AND EDUCATION DOCUMENTS N/A 4. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FROM YOUR RELATIVE IN CANADA N/A 5. EDUCATION / QUALIFICATIONS Education/Training certificates for the principal applicant CADGEDC credentials reports for Master’s Degree with university transcript Notarized copy of Master’s Degree Certificate Notarized copy of Master’s Graduation Certificate Original transcript of Master’s Degree in university-sealed envelop Notarized copy of Bachelor’s Degree Certificate Notarized copy of Bachelor’s Graduation Certificate Original transcript of Bachelor’s Degree in university-sealed envelop Education certificates for the Spouse CADGEDC credentials reports for Master’s Degree with university transcript Notarized copy of Master’s Degree Certificate Notarized copy of Master’s Graduation Certificate Original transcript of Master’s Degree in university-sealed envelop Notarized copy of Bachelor’s Degree and Graduation Certificate Explanation letter for one certificate for Bachelor’s Degree and Graduation Original transcript of Bachelor’s Degree in university-sealed envelop English translation and copy of Certificate of College English Test Band-6 6. WORK EXPERIENCE Letter of reference from current employer  Letter of reference from past employer  Copy of work ID and business card of current employment Copies of English and Chinese employment contracts 7. PROOF OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Original Test Report of IELTS 8. ARRANGED EMPLOYMENT N/A 9. NON-ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBERS DECLARATION N/A 10. SETTLEMENT FUNDS Bank certificate of deposit 11. POLICE CERTIFICATES AND CLEARANCES Notarial Certificate of Clearance for the principal applicant Notarial Certificate of Clearance for the spouse 12. FEE PAYMENT Method of Payment Form 13. CERTIFICAT DE SELECTION DU QUEBEC (CSQ) N/A 14. Supplementary Documents Resume of the principla applicant and the spouse

I am who I amSmall Fish, Big OceanCGA 2006-04-11#3 vivian1030 1,383 $0.00 移民材料准备过程准备材料的过程中,在家园得到了非常多的帮助,以此帖作为对家园的回报。去年十月份决定移民,其实也不知道为什么要移民。从大学毕业后工作到现在,一切都稳定下来,忽然觉得是应该有个变化的时候了。去年十月在网上报了YS的考试,因为英语基础不错,所以没怎么复习,考前请了两天假做了剑桥的真题。考完YS感觉并不是很好,等了两个星期,结果出来了,连自己也没有想到是4个7。2006年的一月份开始准备申请的材料。待续。。

I am who I amSmall Fish, Big OceanCGA 2006-04-11#4 真榕 2,140 $0.00 终于踏出第一步了祝一切顺利

DHL运单跟踪日期 时间 地点服务区域 检查点详细信息四月 09, 200612:21Beijing - China, People's Republic 快件已从发件人处提取四月 10, 200615:02Beijing - China, People's Republic 快件到达转运地 Beijing - China, 四月 10, 200615:04Beijing - China, People's Republic 快件暫時无法派送,等候通知四月 10, 200619:53Beijing - China, People's Republic 已从DHL发件地出口 Beijing - China, 四月 11, 20063:42Hong Kong - Hub - Hong Kong 已从DHL发件地出口 Hong Kong - Hub 四月 11, 20064:17Hong Kong - Hong Kong 快件到达目的地国家四月 11, 20068:43Hong Kong - Hong Kong 正在派送中四月 11, 20068:46Hong Kong - Hong Kong 由于快件派送时收件人所在地公司已下班, 无法派送四月 11, 200614:36Hong Kong - Hong Kong快件已经派送,并签收

I am who I amSmall Fish, Big OceanCGA 2006-04-11#6 tianxz 1,178 $0.00 恭喜,终于递料了!

http://mrlu.host22.com 2006-04-11#7 蒙蒙牛
8,603 $0.00 GX


欢迎入住小熊之家[email protected] 2006-04-11#9 Anny2005 192 $0.00 我的材料遭遇退料后再次投递也是4月11日下午签收. 握手了, 移友!


DIY技术移民 - 2009年7月登陆加拿大FN:2006/05/24 (VO:TCY) ME:2008/09/30 DM:2009/04/01PL:2009/04/14 2006-04-11#11 little^_^ 2,343 $0.00 GX

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