终于,从去年10月决定移民开始,考YS,公证,准备材料,写推荐信,填各种表格,成绩单原件,清华认证,历时五个月,终于在今天中午将材料寄给HK了。 所有的材料都没有装订,有的个别工作合同什么的是用订书针订在一起的。 先放了COVER LETTER,SELF-ASSESSMENT FORM,自己打印的CHECKLIST,然后是按CHECKLIST的顺序整理的所有的申请材料,放在一个透明的塑料信封里。 称了一下重量,竟然有2公斤,邮费加燃油税正好200元。寄完DHL,心里总是在想不会缺了什么吧,一直到下午也还没缓过劲儿来。 客户服务热线:800-810-8000 (免费) 手机用户拨打:400-810-8000 北京总部电话:64369911,地址:酒仙桥路2号Delivery address: The Consulate General of Canada Immigration SectionTower One, Exchange Square, 8 Connaugh Place Centeral, G.P.O.Box 11142, Hong KongContact person: Immigration Section Phone, Fax or E-mail: (852)2847-7452/7493
I am who I amSmall Fish, Big OceanCGA
赏 2006-04-11#2

1,383 $0.00
我的CHECKLIST1. FORMS APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE IN CANADA A. Self-addressed mailing labels B. 6 photos of the principal applicant and the spouse SCHEDULE 1: BACKGROUND DECLARATION SUPPLEMENT TO SCHEDULE 1 ? BACKGROUND DECLARATION SCHEDULE 3: ECONOMIC CLASSES-FEDERAL SKILLED WORKERS ADDITIONAL FAMILY INFORMATION 2. IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENT Notarial certificate of birth of the principal applicant Copy of Passport and Identity Card of the principal applicant Notarial certificate of birth of the spouse Copy of Passport and Identity Card of the spouse Notarized copies of certificate of marriage Notarized copies of the family Household Register 3. DEPENDENT CHILDREN’S STATUS AND EDUCATION DOCUMENTS N/A 4. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FROM YOUR RELATIVE IN CANADA N/A 5. EDUCATION / QUALIFICATIONS Education/Training certificates for the principal applicant CADGEDC credentials reports for Master’s Degree with university transcript Notarized copy of Master’s Degree Certificate Notarized copy of Master’s Graduation Certificate Original transcript of Master’s Degree in university-sealed envelop Notarized copy of Bachelor’s Degree Certificate Notarized copy of Bachelor’s Graduation Certificate Original transcript of Bachelor’s Degree in university-sealed envelop Education certificates for the Spouse CADGEDC credentials reports for Master’s Degree with university transcript Notarized copy of Master’s Degree Certificate Notarized copy of Master’s Graduation Certificate Original transcript of Master’s Degree in university-sealed envelop Notarized copy of Bachelor’s Degree and Graduation Certificate Explanation letter for one certificate for Bachelor’s Degree and Graduation Original transcript of Bachelor’s Degree in university-sealed envelop English translation and copy of Certificate of College English Test Band-6 6. WORK EXPERIENCE Letter of reference from current employer Letter of reference from past employer Copy of work ID and business card of current employment Copies of English and Chinese employment contracts 7. PROOF OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Original Test Report of IELTS 8. ARRANGED EMPLOYMENT N/A 9. NON-ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBERS DECLARATION N/A 10. SETTLEMENT FUNDS Bank certificate of deposit 11. POLICE CERTIFICATES AND CLEARANCES Notarial Certificate of Clearance for the principal applicant Notarial Certificate of Clearance for the spouse 12. FEE PAYMENT Method of Payment Form 13. CERTIFICAT DE SELECTION DU QUEBEC (CSQ) N/A 14. Supplementary Documents Resume of the principla applicant and the spouse
I am who I amSmall Fish, Big OceanCGA
赏 2006-04-11#3

1,383 $0.00
I am who I amSmall Fish, Big OceanCGA
赏 2006-04-11#4

2,140 $0.00 终于踏出第一步了祝一切顺利
DHL运单跟踪日期 时间 地点服务区域 检查点详细信息四月 09, 200612:21Beijing - China, People's Republic 快件已从发件人处提取四月 10, 200615:02Beijing - China, People's Republic 快件到达转运地 Beijing - China, 四月 10, 200615:04Beijing - China, People's Republic 快件暫時无法派送,等候通知四月 10, 200619:53Beijing - China, People's Republic 已从DHL发件地出口 Beijing - China, 四月 11, 20063:42Hong Kong - Hub - Hong Kong 已从DHL发件地出口 Hong Kong - Hub 四月 11, 20064:17Hong Kong - Hong Kong 快件到达目的地国家四月 11, 20068:43Hong Kong - Hong Kong 正在派送中四月 11, 20068:46Hong Kong - Hong Kong 由于快件派送时收件人所在地公司已下班, 无法派送四月 11, 200614:36Hong Kong - Hong Kong快件已经派送,并签收
I am who I amSmall Fish, Big OceanCGA
赏 2006-04-11#6

1,178 $0.00 恭喜,终于递料了!
赏 2006-04-11#7
8,603 $0.00 GX
欢迎入住小熊之家[email protected] 赏 2006-04-11#9

192 $0.00 我的材料遭遇退料后再次投递也是4月11日下午签收. 握手了, 移友!
DIY技术移民 - 2009年7月登陆加拿大FN:2006/05/24 (VO:TCY) ME:2008/09/30 DM:2009/04/01PL:2009/04/14
赏 2006-04-11#11

2,343 $0.00 GX
生活百科 所有电力公司都不能力吗?·
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