OTTAWA, November 24, 2005 — The Honourable Joe Volpe, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, today announced the Government of Canada will invest an additional $700 million over five years to make important improvements to the federal immigration system. These improvements include funding to start reducing the current inventory of applications at Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and a new process to allow immigrants with Canadian experience or Canadian education to apply for permanent resident status under the new In-Canada Economic Stream in 2007.“Today’s announcement is an important step toward fixing and improving the immigration system,” said Minister Volpe. “By beginning to reduce the number of outstanding applications and moving to actively recruit those who best meet Canada’s labour market needs—such as temporary foreign workers and international students already in Canada—we will build on the improvements already under way to Canada’s immigration system.”The new in-Canada stream is intended for applicants with experience in Canada’s labour market or educational institutions. These immigrants are well positioned to integrate quickly and successfully into Canadian society and the economy, and this new stream will eventually be an important tool in promoting Canada as a destination of choice for immigrants. In ensuring that people with significant labour market or educational experience can make a smooth transition to permanent resident status, we will help build a more responsive and proactive immigration system.“Today’s announcement builds on the major investments already made to help newcomers integrate more quickly into their local labour market and new communities,” said Minister Volpe. “These investments include $398 million announced in the 2005 budget to improve settlement services and to launch the Going to Canada portal; funding for the Internationally Trained Workers Initiative; and a $1.3 billion investment in settlement programs announced in the fiscal economic update of November 14, 2005.”The $920 million Canada-Ontario agreement announced earlier this week is funded through the fiscal framework and forms part of the $1.3 billion announced by Minister Goodale.This announcement reflects the key priorities identified by federal, provincial and territorial ministers on November 4, 2005. For further information, visit the CIC Web site at www.cic.gc.ca.-30-
For more information (media only):Stephen HeckbertDirector of CommunicationsOffice of the Minister(613) 954-1064Greg ScottMedia RelationsCommunications Branch(613) 941-7028
BACKGROUNDERFixing the Immigration SystemOn November 24, 2005, the Government of Canada announced it would invest $418 million for streamlining the immigration system and $282 million for creating the in Canada economic stream totaling $700 million over five years. These improvements include funding to start reducing the current inventory of applications at Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and a new process to allow immigrants with Canadian experience or Canadian education to apply for permanent resident status under the new In-Canada Economic Stream in 2007.
Ensuring the Immigration System is More Responsive to Labour Market Needs1) Reducing the Current Inventory of Applications and Modernizing Service DeliveryThe funding provided will allow for an increase in operational capacity for federal departments to more efficiently process applications and start to reduce processing times.Together, these measures will help make the system more responsive to varied labour market needs, support improved immigrant outcomes, and streamline the system in order to enhance the processing of applications.
2) Creation of an In-Canada Economic Stream in 2007Provinces, territories, cities and communities agree on the need for increased regionalization to spread the benefits of immigration all across the country. Introducing an in-Canada stream will help address this challenge by supporting the greater use of the temporary foreign worker stream as a means of addressing short-term labour market needs and providing a bridge to permanent residence for newcomers.The introduction of the in-Canada economic stream is expected to lead to approximately 5,000 additional foreign students and 11,000 temporary foreign workers (including dependants) applying for permanent residence each year.Two types of foreign nationals will be eligible to apply for permanent resident status: students and temporary foreign workers in Canada. After entering Canada on a work or study permit, these individuals will be required to spend a minimum period of time working or studying before being eligible to apply for permanent resident status. The new in-Canada stream is designed for applicants who have Canadian experience in the labour market or in educational institutions.Applicants are fully screened for criminality and security. 以上是发表的原文. 以下是在无忧亚思网站钱路律师信箱里面,钱律师的详细分析,我在这里转贴给大家可以参考一下. 钱律师:"我看到了今天的移民部的新闻。这是典型的加拿大政治家的噱头手腕。我的经验是,如果真的是移民政策有任何变化,特别是这些变化对申请人可能发生严重影响的话,他们是从来不事先敲锣打鼓地预告的。(因为,怕预告后,在新政策实施前夜会发生大量的申请案送入领事馆。)只有当他们要施粥的时候,才那样地大肆预告,大摆噱头。以便隆重推出他们的“慈善粥”。 实际上,这是骗人的。请看新闻: The Honourable Joe Volpe, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, today announced the Government of Canada will invest an additional $700 million over five years to make important improvements to the federal immigration system. These improvements include funding to start reducing the current inventory of applications at Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and a new process to allow immigrants with Canadian experience or Canadian education to apply for permanent resident status under the new In-Canada Economic Stream in 2007. 其中,这里的 $700million 中,只有 $418 million 的钱是用于解决积压的旧案和改进移民处理系统的。$418 million 中应该有很大一部分是用于解决积压的旧案的。而用于改进移民处理系统的钱将会是很少的。而且,一定不会是用在亚洲的。 处理积压的旧案的问题,据移民部长11月1日宣布,加拿大有70万的积压旧案。需要尽快解决。见《瑞潮网》的相关报导: “加拿大移民部长Volpe 今天宣布,加拿大将增加移民配额,尽快解决70万已经等待4年以上的积压旧案。同时,在今后五年中,逐步将每年的移民配额增加到30万。” 你们算一下:如果每个申请人的申请费是$550加元,70万积压案的申请费就应该是$380 million。这应该是$418 million中的相当大的一部分资金了吧。移民部的官员在过去四年中,拿了工资,不处理这些案子,现在,只是将已经收到的申请费,在国会预算中拨出来,用来处理这些案子。这本来是天经地义的事。他们还要大张旗鼓地宣传。甚是荒唐。 其他资金,主要是用于吸引在过去多年的“e 泡沫”期间从加拿大移民到美国去的高科技人才,以及现在在加拿大用工作签证在工作的美国人的。 你们从这次的移民部导演的闹剧中,看到了加拿大民主的虚伪了吧。" 论坛里面的一位筒子的问题:"还是要请教钱律师:以上的这个新政策对我们的申请(已经FN)有什么样的影响?好或坏或完全不理会." 钱律师:"我还是要纠正一下,这次公布的不是重要的新政策,而是对已定政策的财政拨款。是用以解决大批积压四年以上的申请案的,剩下的钱就不多。对你们这些新法下递交申请的人来讲,我估计影响是微乎其微。"
2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 赏 
反馈:popiston, haha001, vivian1030 和 32 其他人 2005-11-28#2

2,946 $0.00 各位如果觉得我的转贴对大家有帮助的话,一定不要忘记加我SW.加我SW的时候一定不要忘记留下大名,我一定会感谢并且回礼哟!哇.......你的文章偶还没看见,上面这些字偶倒是一眼就看见了.好,给你分分,等待回礼,呵呵
反馈:潜水员, wingwinggg 和 sunnyway 2005-11-28#3 沿
2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791
反馈:sunnyway 2005-11-28#6

6,594 $0.00 今天没分了,只有送多花。
反馈:wingwinggg, sunnyway 和 wyman 2005-11-28#8
13,420 $0.00 wingwing.这可是偶在坛子里第一次给人加SW,第一次就这么轻易的失去了...
Tree New Beewingwing.这可是偶在坛子里第一次给人加SW,第一次就这么轻易的失去了...点击展开...嘿嘿,那第二次给谁呢?俺先给你加加~~~
弄花香满衫 说:wingwing.这可是偶在坛子里第一次给人加SW,第一次就这么轻易的失去了...点击展开... 呵呵~~~~我真荣幸啊,可以拿走你宝贵的第一次,简直是太太太高兴了.还好,你还记得自己第一次给你我,我都忘记了我的第一次给了不知道哪位筒子咯.
2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 赏 
反馈:Don, 嗲媚媚, fanli 和另外1个人 2005-11-28#11

9,707 $0.00 以上各位筒子,先谢过.下午再来还分分,现在银行还没有开门,昨天晚上十二点钟左右我就砸爆了,今天起码要吃过午饭才有分.
2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 赏 2005-11-28#12
13,420 $0.00 wyman.第二次就给你加好了,每次看到你那可爱的头像都想砸你,现在终于有能力了,高兴高兴...wingwing记得砸我哦,呵呵......
Tree New Beewyman.第二次就给你加好了,每次看到你那可爱的头像都想砸你,现在终于有能力了,高兴高兴...wingwing记得砸我哦,呵呵......点击展开... 呵呵~~~~放心,我记得你的第一次给了我的. 一定会重重地砸你,为了表示我的诚意.
2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 赏 2005-11-28#14

9,707 $0.00 自己顶上去.
2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 赏 2005-11-28#15

718 $0.00 再一次给 wingwinggg 添加声望之前,您必须对周围其他会员添加声望!!!!
最美的风景在路上~~~~~~~~~~~ 赏 
反馈:Don 和 wingwinggg 2005-11-28#16

718 $0.00 大家都有纷纷!!!!
最美的风景在路上~~~~~~~~~~~ 赏 2005-11-28#17

1,032 $0.00 砸给楼主SW!
waiting for ME...............
反馈:wingwinggg 2005-11-28#18 肥 1,165 $0.00 分析得挺透彻! 感谢LZ.
反馈:wingwinggg 2005-11-28#19

10,103 $0.00 希望wingwing喜欢绿绿的鲜花!
赏 希望wingwing喜欢绿绿的鲜花!点击展开...喜欢,谢谢绿绿对我一直以来的支持. 想回礼,银行还没有开门.
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