加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民刚刚看了加拿大总理哈勃的电视专访,他说到目



[size=+1]以赛亚书:“但那等候耶和华的,必从新得力,他们必如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏”[/size]赞反馈:朵朵, annieyu, 庞之白 和 4 其他人 2006-04-07#2 tonyga1 3,767 $0.00 估计是N年以后的事情了


[size=+1]以赛亚书:“但那等候耶和华的,必从新得力,他们必如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏”[/size] 2006-04-07#4 真榕 2,140 $0.00 首要任务应该是加快速度,这是所有人都拥护的,呵呵



2006-04-07#7 波斯猫梦露 448 $0.00 提高他们的工作效率才是正道

2005.8.16 FN HK(VO:ROW)漫长的等待,07年初决定重考雅思,投澳洲 2006-04-08#8 B 142 $0.00 Politics in Canada (1) Harper's five easy piecesApr 6th 2006 | OTTAWA From The Economist print editionThe new prime minister stays strictly on message, offering few changes to a politically divided nationGet article backgroundIN JANUARY, Stephen Harper pulled off a surprise election victory, ending a dozen years of Liberal rule. His Conservative minority government has since got off to a quiet, but not ineffective, start. The “throne speech”, delivered to a new session of parliament on April 4th by the governor-general, was Mr Harper's big chance to set out a sweeping vision of Canada's future. He chose not to take it: the speech was perfunctory (just 20 minutes) and largely confined to the same five promises that he had campaigned on. So Canadians were left unsurprised but little wiser about their new prime minister. The five promises comprise an anti-sleaze law to make government more open, a cut in the sales tax, and moves to reduce waiting times for health care, give parents cash for child care and impose tougher sentences for gun crime. There were a couple of other signals. In deference to its minority status, the government would listen to opposition concerns, such as over the environment. The speech stressed that the United States was “our best friend”. Under the Liberals, relations with Canada's main trading partner were strained after George Bush took office.For all the modesty of his ambitions, the speech revealed a stark contrast with Mr Harper's Liberal predecessor, Paul Martin, who had so many priorities he appeared to have none. Mr Harper's strategy is “don't overload yourself because lots of things will come up that aren't part of your plans,” he has said. The underlying plan is to do enough to win a majority when Canadians are ready for another election.His first eight weeks have seen a few small stumbles. He enticed David Emerson, a minister in Mr Martin's government who had been re-elected as a Liberal MP, to join his cabinet. This brazen move still provokes bitterness in Vancouver. Mr Harper riled the Ottawa press corps by curtailing their access to ministers.On the other hand, he acquitted himself well in his first forays abroad. A sudden trip to Afghanistan to visit the 2,200 Canadian troops there dampened a heated debate about their deployment. At a meeting with Mr Bush and Mexico's Vicente Fox at Cancún in Mexico on March 30th-31st, Mr Harper was ridiculed by reporters for wearing a waistcoat of the kind used by press photographers. Canadians may have taken more notice of Mr Bush's reference to the prime minister's “steely resolve” in the country's trade battle with its neighbour over softwood lumber. At home, Mr Harper has assiduously courted French-speaking Quebec, where the Conservatives must win more seats if they are ever to form a majority government. He has met its Liberal premier, Jean Charest, three times, and promised the province a voice at some international gatherings. He makes a point of starting most of his speeches in French. Although the Conservatives have only 125 of the 308 seats in the House of Commons, Mr Harper stands a good chance of getting his five measures approved, starting with the accountability bill expected next week. Most are uncontroversial, the Liberals are leaderless, and the separatists of the Bloc Québécois have their minds on matters in Quebec. Other issues are trickier. In the campaign, Mr Harper seemed sympathetic to provincial demands for more federal money. But only two of the ten provinces had budget deficits last year. In office, the prime minister may be more reluctant to loosen the federal purse strings. For now, banging out his five-note tune may work for Mr Harper. But many interest groups are pressing for a more detailed vision. Business organisations sense a kindred spirit. They will be watching the budget, due in a few weeks, to see if action will follow the speech's throwaway reference to competitiveness and productivity. Others want more details because they suspect that the moderate and centrist positions Mr Harper adopted to win the election do not reflect his real leanings. For most of his political career he has campaigned for smaller government and family values, causes championed by the Conservative government in his adopted province of Alberta (see article). “He's more ideological than he makes out,” says Jim Stanford, an economist at the Canadian Auto Workers Union. He compares Mr Harper with John Howard, Australia's conservative prime minister, whose agenda did not become clear until after he won a majority. Since Mr Howard has been in office for a decade, that comparison might not displease Mr Harper. In fact, the Australian is more moderate than he sounds. And for now, Mr Harper seems happy to keep Canadians guessing.


欣逢中华盛世!http://cn.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/caresslyz/ 2006-04-08#10 wingwinggg 9,707 $0.00 感觉AUS做得就很好,铁碗政策;是120就PASS,不是就fail(偏要100加提名10)。一就一,二就二;处理起来速度快很多~~~~~~~~~CAN简直就像个老妇人~~~~~~~~~犹豫不决、忧犹寡短~~~~~~~~~~没有原则性!!!

2005-12申请加拿大技术移民;2007-12香港取签证;2008-08-08登陆加拿大;2014-9至今Richmond Hill; 2006-04-08#11 leo0804 1,025 $0.00 那是未来的事情了

分分还真的有用,盼望大家给我加分分呀点击展开...请在左下银色的小天平图标上点一下,出现对话框,点“增加声望”,谢谢 2006-04-08#12 奶 919 $0.00 希望不能怎样改,加快速度才是硬道理

wingwinggg 说:感觉AUS做得就很好,铁碗政策;是120就PASS,不是就fail(偏要100加提名10)。一就一,二就二;处理起来速度快很多~~~~~~~~~CAN简直就像个老妇人~~~~~~~~~犹豫不决、忧犹寡短~~~~~~~~~~没有原则性!!!点击展开...那大家为什么都选择加拿大不选择澳洲呢? 那些够分的朋友。

Life is easy with direction. 2006-04-08#14 剑 3,188 $0.00 首要任务是加大力度打击造假行为 很庆幸新部长看到了文件造假严重这一点

kwoyi 说:那大家为什么都选择加拿大不选择澳洲呢? 那些够分的朋友。点击展开...英语分不够4个6,没法通过工程师职业评估

2005.8.16 FN HK(VO:ROW)漫长的等待,07年初决定重考雅思,投澳洲 2006-04-08#16 redsea2008 554 $0.00 what is going on then?

wingwinggg 说:感觉AUS做得就很好,铁碗政策;是120就PASS,不是就fail(偏要100加提名10)。一就一,二就二;处理起来速度快很多~~~~~~~~~CAN简直就像个老妇人~~~~~~~~~犹豫不决、忧犹寡短~~~~~~~~~~没有原则性!!!点击展开...如果按照澳的做法,这里一多半人原地呆着,哪儿也去不了!


wingwinggg 说:感觉AUS做得就很好,铁碗政策;是120就PASS,不是就fail(偏要100加提名10)。一就一,二就二;处理起来速度快很多~~~~~~~~~CAN简直就像个老妇人~~~~~~~~~犹豫不决、忧犹寡短~~~~~~~~~~没有原则性!!!点击展开...


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